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Alaska Earth System Science

Study Away Alaska 

Discover Alaska from the Arctic Circle, thru Denali, Kenai Peninsula and on to Seward Harbor. We will spend time in the tundra, boreal forest, and marine ecosystems.

INTERACT with Environmental Scientists to better understand Alaska's unique environment and way of life.

Alaska groupOBSERVE traditional games and Native cultures at the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics in Fairbanks and Native Heritage center in Anchorage.

CONTRIBUTE to ongoing research efforts with the Seward SeaLife Center and participate in service learning projects as a way to give back and learn new skills.

APPLY FIELD ECOLOGY SKILLS to better understand forest ecosystems and Alaska waterwater quality monitoring.

CAMP and HIKE over mountains and atop Exit Glacier to gain unique perspectives of Alaska's landscapes.

EARN 6 CREDITS: NSC 476, 490, 390; ISB 202, 208L

GET MORE INFO from Course Leader

Ryan Kimbirauskas, kimbira1@msu.edu


Program Fee:
Tuition: (6 credits @ your current level)
Airfare & Personal Expenses: ≈ $2,400