Academic Advising
Academic advisors know the policies, procedures, and details of their programs. Advisors are located in each academic department for departmental majors. The NatSci Office of Undergraduate Academic and Student Affairs provides a one-stop location for career consulting, study abroad planning and advising for pre-health students, along with major administration through the NatSci Dean's Office.
Student and advisor responsibilities are defined in the Advising Syllabus.
Scheduling Advising Appointments
Current MSU students:
Advising/Tutoring Appointment System
- Go to and login with your NETID and password
- Select the Academic Progress tile
- Click the tab on the left, labeled Advising/Tutoring Appointments
- To schedule a new appointment, click Create New Appointment
- You will now fill out the New Appointment section details:
- Category: choose Advising
- Advising/Tutoring Unit: Select College of Natural Science
- Appointment Reason: Choose the appropriate major or interest
- Additional Information: Enter more details to assist the advisor with preparing for the appointment
- Appointment Type: Choose an available option for how the appointment will be held (Zoom, phone, etc.)
- Once all of the information has been entered, click Select Advisor:
- View the Advisor name and Location
- Click the Time Selected drop-down menu to view available times, then click Select Time to confirm the appointment
- You will be returned to the New Appointment screen where you can review any notes from the advisor/tutor and confirm the appointment.
- Click Book It!
Additional training modules and support for using the Student Information System (SIS) can be accessed below:
Prospective MSU Students Contact:
Gabby Wahla, M.A.
Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinator
Phone: 517-355-4470
NatSci College Visit Days
Override Requests
Students requesting an override must consult the department for that particular course. A list of Natural Science override request forms can be found on the the Physiology Department page.
Department contact information can also be found by searching for the course in Schedule of Courses. The contact information will appear on the right-side of the page after entering the course subject and selecting Find Courses.
Natural Science Academic Advisors by Major:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) includes:
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology
Evelyn Grace
105A Biochemistry Building
(517) 353-5556
Heather Wilson
105A Biochemistry Building
(517) 432-8775
Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics (BLD) includes:
- Biomedical Laboratory Science
- Medical Laboratory Science
Brad Childs
322 North Kedzie Hall
(517) 432-2559
Nicole Lipnichan
323 North Kedzie Hall
(517) 432-3805
Chemistry (CEM) includes:
- Chemical Physics
- Chemistry
Sheba Onchiri
485D Chemistry Building
(517) 353-1134
Data Science (CMSE) Advisor:
Kevin Miloshoff
1501 Engineering Building
(517) 432-0030
Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) includes:
- Environmental Geosciences
- Geological Sciences
Natalie Clark
207 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-3271
Human Biology (HBIO) Advisors:
Raychel Meyer-Payne
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-4727
Christine Nguyen-Koelzer
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 884-6029
Dorali Rebollo
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-7153
Kate Thome
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-8951
Holly Wright
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-4457
Sam Zill
106 Natural Science Building
Contact Us:
Integrated Science - Secondary Education Advisor:
106 Natural Science Building
Integrative Biology (IBIO) includes:
- Environmental Biology/Zoology
- Integrative Biology
- Zoology
Riley Fanning
203 Natural Science Building
Scott Fitzpatrick
343 Natural Science Building
(517) 432-3691
Eila Roberts
220 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-2269
Mathematics (MTH) includes:
- Actuarial Science
- Computational Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Mathematics, Advanced
- Mathematics - Secondary Education
Brian Chadwick
C221 Wells Hall
(517) 353-5019
Ron Powers
C222 Wells Hall
(517) 432-1007
Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology (MGI) includes:
- Environmental Biology/Microbiology
- Genomics and Molecular Genetics
- Microbiology
Jeannine Scott
2240E Biomed Phys Sci
Natural Science Exploratory Advising:
Jennifer Freitas
108 Natural Science
(517) 353-5468
Neuroscience (NEU) Advisors:
Becky La
2201 Biomedical Physical Science Building
(517) 355-4114
Ashley Maloff
2240 Biomedical Physical Science Building
(517) 432-4301
Contact Us:
Physics & Astronomy (PHY & AST) includes:
- Astrophysics
- Physics
(517) 884-5535
Physiology (PSL) Advisor:
Lori Seischab
2240 Biomedical Physical Science Building
(517) 884-5200
Plant Biology (PLB) includes:
- Environmental Biology/Plant Biology
- Plant Biology
Riley Fanning
203 Natural Science Building
Statistics and Probability (STT) includes:
- Quantitative Risk Analytics
- Statistics
Natalie Clark
C429 Wells Hall
(517) 353-3271
Natural Science Academic Advisors by Program:
Career Exploration Advising:
Christina Igl
106 Natural Science Building
Drew Science Scholars Program Advising
Ariel Robbins
C202A Rather Hall
(517) 432-4088
Drew Science Scholars website | Drew Science Scholars advising
Environmental Studies and RISE Advising
(Residential Initiative on the Study of the Environment)
Laurie Thorp
C208 Bailey Hall
(517) 432-4944
Experiential Learning Advising (Study Abroad & Study Away)
Sarah Whitaker
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 432-9260
Study Abroad website | Study Away website |
Global Remote Internship Program
Pre-Health Advising
Raychel Meyer-Payne
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-4727
Christine Nguyen-Koelzer
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 884-6029
Dorali Rebollo
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-7153
Kate Thome
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 353-8951
Holly Wright
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 884-0252
Sam Zill
106 Natural Science Building
PPAs provide scheduling assistance
to freshman pre-health students and
can answer pre-health questions for all students.
Contact Us:
106 Natural Science Building
(517) 884-6841
Student Success Advising
Jennifer Freitas
106 Natural Science Building
Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinator
Gabby Wahla
106 Natural Science Building
The College of Natural Science has developed the following objectives to assist in meeting the Institutional Learning Goals. The objectives for each year incorporate all the Institutional Learning Goals into the advising experience.
Please read before your advising appointment: