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Video Request Form

This form should be used to request a Promotional Video for your program/unit/department. Please complete the form entirely. After review, a staff member will get back to you in a timely manner.

If your project is selected, please allow sufficient time for the video to be completed. The complexity and timing of the project will affect the time of completion (some projects have taken a few weeks, while others have taken 12 months). Additional time may be required and will be indicated once submitted.

This form is not to be used for requesting video or photo capture of events, lectures, job talks, speakers or classroom experiences.

Who is the primary audience for this video?*
How long is the desired video?*
Do you have a budget for this project?*
Note: There is a direct correlation between the time it takes to produce a video and the quality and engagement to audiences given our research.
Communication Plan
Where do you plan to use this video?*