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NatSci Events

Inclusion Snapshots flyer












Join us for quick, 30-minute, virtual sessions packed with bite-sized learning on one topic. Gain actionable insights to improve equity and inclusion in your daily work or studies.

Spring 2025 Sessions -Virtual

Decoding Identity Labels: March 4th | 12.30 pm - 1.00pm
How big are Micro-Aggressions? : April 4th | 12.30 pm - 1.00 pm

Register for Decoding Identity Labels here.

Register for How Big are Micro-Aggressions here.

Trans* in STEM flyer

Event Description: You're warmly invited to an inspiring keynote and engaging Q&A session with Maeve McLaughlin, Ph.D. Join us as Maeve shares their journey of community-building and innovation in STEM, offering a personal perspective on navigating the academic world as a trans individual. This event is open to everyone and provides a welcoming space to learn, connect, and show support for the trans* community. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an enriching and meaningful conversation!

Speaker Bio: Maeve (she/they) is neurodivergent, a transfemme lesbian, and a trained molecular microbiologist. She did her PhD at Wayne State University, her postdoctoral training at Michigan State University, and is now an assistant professor at the University of Michigan–Flint. Aside from their work in microbiology, Maeve has developed programs at conferences to promote the work of scientists from marginalized communities and create safe spaces for folks to connect with each other.

Date: March 28th, 2025 
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 P.M. 
Location: New Multicultural Center - Multipurpose Room A

Register via this link

Living and Learning with ADHD

We are excited to host two events with Tamara Rosier, PhD. These events are open to all instructors and academic specialists. Participants are invited to attend one or both as you are interested and able to.

Speaker Bio: Tamara Rosier, PhD, is the founder of the ADHD Center of West Michigan, where she bridges academic expertise with practical solutions for managing ADHD. Her writing, including her books Your Brain’s Not Broken and You, Me, and Our ADHD Family, reflect her deep commitment to making complex neuropsychological concepts accessible and actionable for individuals, families, students, and educators. Dr. Rosier is dedicated to helping those with ADHD thrive by offering insights that foster understanding, connection, and personal growth.

Event 1: KeyNote - Strategies for Addressing the Unique Challenges of ADHD in Academia
Event Description: 
Explore the strengths and challenges of ADHD in academia as an Instructor or Academic Specialist and as a Student. Learn research-backed strategies to support neurodiverse learners and adapt your teaching techniques.
Date: April 11th, 2025
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 P.M.
Location: STEM 1130

Event 2: Discussion for Instructors and Academic Specialists with ADHD
Event Description:
Come together in community with Tamara Rosier, PhD to for a Q & A session to answer your questions about living, learning, and working with ADHD.
Date: April 11th, 2025
Time: 12.30 P.M. - 1.30 P.M.
Location: STEM 3201

Register via this link.


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MSU Events