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Reporting Possible Violations of Relationship Violence & Sexual Misconduct (RVSM)  

Reportable conduct includes relationship violence, sexual misconduct, stalking, and retaliation.

You can find more information via University Reporting Protocol

Responsible employees are required to submit a report HERE  

Find out if you are a responsible employee here 

Questions about RVSM can contact Erin Martin, at oie.erinmartin@msu.edu

You can also reach the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX here

Reporting Possible Violations of Anti-Discrimination (ADP)  

Under this policy, reportable conduct includes: 

Discrimination against any University community member(s) through inappropriate limitation[iii] of employment opportunity[iv], access to University residential facilities, or participation in education, athletic, social, cultural, or other University activities on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity[v], disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight; or 

Harass any University community member(s) on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. 

Possible violations of MSU ADP Policy should be reported here 

For more information, review MSU ADP User's Manual  

Questions about ADP can contact Nicole Schmidtke at OIE.NicoleSchmidtke@msu.edu

You may also call OIE at (517) 353-3922, or email them at oie@msu.edu.

For healthcare matters, email OCRhealthcare@msu.edu

Here is a visual workflow of MSU's ADP Process

Anti-Discrimination process

Who to contact in NatSci if you have a concern

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
    • If you have concern related to DEI or not sure where to report, please contact the Interim Assistant Dean for DEI Danielle Flores Lopez, at floresd3@msu.edu.
  • Undergraduate Students
    • If you are an undergraduate student or your concern is related to an undergraduate student, please contact Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies Lynmarie Posey, at (poseyl@msu.edu)
  • Graduate Students
    • If you are a graduate student or your concern is related to a graduate student, please contact Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Amy Ralston at (aralston@msu.edu)
  • Faculty, Academic Specialists, Postdocs
    • If you are faculty, academic specialist, or postdoc, please contact Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development, Gemma Reguera, at (reguera@msu.edu)
    • You can also contact the NatSci Faculty Excellence Advocate (FEA), Dr. Heather Eisthen, at (eisthen@msu.edu)
    • Contact Assistant Dean for Fixed-term Faculty and Academic Specialist Development, Cori Fata-Hartley, at (fatahart@msu.edu)
    • If you are a postdoc, you can find more information in the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs here
  • Tenure-system faculty members
    • If you are a tenure-system faculty member, please contact Dr. Heather Eisthen, at (eisthen@msu.edu)
  • Research Misconduct
    • If you have a concern related to research misconduct, please contact the Associate Dean of Research Eric Hegg, at (erichegg@msu.edu)

Are there any times when I don't have to report? 

Employees are only required to report relationship violence and sexual misconduct of which they become aware in their capacity as a university employee, not in a personal capacity. 

Public awareness or activism events and other public forums at which students or employees disclose experiences with relationship violence, stalking, or sexual misconduct are not considered notice to the University for the purposes of this Policy unless the individual also initiates a complaint under this Policy (e.g., Take Back the Night, town hall meetings, focus groups, open forums, protests).

MSU and the College of Natural Science treat responsible employees seriously.

Potential violations of the responsible employee policy will be investigated by the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). Individuals who violate University Reporting protocol may be subject to corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. 

Additional Conflict Resolution Resources  

Office of Student Support & Accountability

The Office of Student Support & Accountability supports student success by ensuring a civil and inclusive learning environment based on academic and personal integrity. All community members have a responsibility for establishing, maintaining, and fostering a commitment to our shared values, ethical decision-making, and personal and collective excellence. The Dean of Students Office supports personal and community accountability and addresses conduct inconsistent with the Spartan Code of Honor with honesty, respect, and fairness. 

The Office of Student Support and Accountability can also aid in helping students experiencing situations that interrupt their academic and campus life.  They can reach out to the Office by emailing ossa@msu.edu or calling 517-884-0789.

MSU Office of the University Ombudsperson  

Whether you are a student or employee, the Office of the University Ombudsperson offers a confidential place to discuss both academic and nonacademic concerns including, administrative issues, workplace issues, or any concern that may relate to Michigan State University students. We also interpret and explain university policies and procedures. Here, you can speak freely because the Office of the University Ombudsperson offers an environment where you can talk with a confidential and impartial resource about a complaint, conflict, or problem. You can find more information about their services HERE or fill out the Problem/Concern form.  

If your concern is not addressed in 48 hours, contact via e-mail at ombud@msu.edu or (517) 353-8830 as well.

Faculty Grievance & Dispute Resolution Office

The Faculty Grievance & Dispute Resolution Office and the Faculty Grievance Policy are intended to provide a fair, internal process for resolving employment related disputes that arise between faculty or academic staff members and administrators.  The formal procedures of the policy are intended to be used only when matters cannot be resolved informally.  A faculty or academic staff member who feels aggrieved should first seek an informal resolution at the unit, department, or college level before filing a formal grievance. The procedures contained in the policy are not intended to be used to challenge the desirability of unit or University policies. Contact fgo@msu.edu for assistance.

Research Integrity Office

All members of MSU share responsibility to assure that misconduct or fraud in research and creative activity is dealt with effectively and that MSU's high standards for scholarly integrity are preserved. You can review MSU Research Misconduct Procedures for more information. You can also contact the Research integrity Officer, Charles Cox, at rio@msu.edu or (517) 432-6698

CAPS (Counseling and Psychiatric Services)

Students seeking mental health services can visit Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) or call the crisis hotline at 517-355-8270 and pressing "1" at the prompt. 

Additional Resources and Handouts

SRA flyer

The office of ASMSU Student Rights Advocates provides assistance to students in University-related affairs involving the MSU conduct system, residence hall life, and more. The SRA office is not funded by any university department, and operates as a confidential and independent resource for students. Student Rights Advocates cannot dispense legal advice, For legal advice, contact Student Legal Services at (517) 353-37163

ASMSU's website for more information.

ASMSU Student Rights Advocates