NatSci professor named American Statistical Association Fellow
For his contributions and leadership in the fields of statistical genetics and genomics, Michigan State University’s Yuehua Cui has been selected as a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA).

Cui, a professor in the MSU College of Natural Science's (NatSci) Department of Statistics and Probability (STT), is one of 48 members designated as an ASA fellow this year. He was recognized “for outstanding contributions to methodology development and applications in statistical genetics and genomics; for exemplary mentoring of graduate students and junior researchers; and for significant service to the profession.”
ASA members form the largest group of statisticians worldwide whose aim is the advancement of statistics and data science to aid in global innovations and decisions. To be named a fellow, nominees must have an established reputation and have made outstanding contributions to statistical science. Such distinction is based on their published works, involvement in the organization and other societies, and other professional accomplishments.
“The Department of Statistics and Probability is proud of Dr. Yuehua Cui becoming an ASA Fellow,” said Lyudmila Sakhanenko, interim STT chair. “This honor has been limited to one-third of one percent of ASA members each year. This designation is coveted by statisticians and data scientists as it signifies outstanding reputation and contributions to statistical science and is considered the highest honor among statisticians. Dr. Yuehua Cui is an internationally and nationally recognized leader in statistical genetics/genomics, and this designation recognizes his impactful and important contributions to the profession.”
Cui joined MSU in 2005. He currently directs the graduate program in STT. After earning a master’s in biology, he completed a second masters and then a Ph.D. in statistics.
“I am honored to be elected as a Fellow of the ASA,” Cui said. “This award is certainly one of the highest honors in the statistics profession and is a prestigious recognition for one’s professional contribution to the statistical society.”
Incorporating his expertise in both biology and statistics, Cui works in statistical genetics and genomics to develop novel statistical methods, models, and algorithms for biomedical and agricultural research. The National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health have generously supported his research which includes such topics as gene hunting for complex human diseases, gene mapping of agriculturally important traits and statistically characterizing the developmental mechanisms behind molecular data.
“Dr. Yuehua Cui is well recognized for his outstanding contributions to methodology development and applications in statistical genetics and genomics; for exemplary mentoring of graduate students and junior researchers; and for significant service to the profession,” said Hongyu Zhao, Ira V. Hiscock Professor of Biostatistics and Professor of Statistics and Data Science and Genetics at the Yale School of Public Health, who nominated Cui for this distinction. “He truly deserves this recognition from his peers and profession.”
Cui is developing statistical and machine learning methods that could be used to fight diseases. He is working on statistical methods for inferring the causal relationship between an exposure and a disease outcome and for revealing how genetic influence on disease risk is modified by a mixture of environmental factors.
Currently, Cui is creating statistical and computational tools for cancer sub-typing. If he can identify cancer sub-types that share important biomarkers or have common molecular characteristics, it could lead to more effective cancer treatments and prevention.
For Cui, receiving ASA fellow distinction affirms his career trajectory.
“I believe everyone can create a path of their own and be successful as long as they follow their passion and stick to it,” Cui said. “I take this as great encouragement to continue pursuing my personal best.”
Banner image: Yuehua Cui, MSU professor in the Department of Statistics and Probability, has been selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) for his contributions and leadership in the fields of statistical genetics and genomics. Credit: statistical genomics and genetics image): Rost9/Shutterstock