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Looking for ways to get more involved in the healthcare field, while being paid in the process? If so, becoming a certified phlebotomist may be the job for you. As a phlebotomist, you are an integral part of the healthcare team, and are tasked with drawing blood from the patient and making sure they are as comfortable as possible while doing so.

Working as a phlebotomist is a very easy way to gain valuable clinical experience that will serve you well and not just on your application to professional school, but overall, in your development of becoming a healthcare professional. Additionally, working as a phlebotomist in a healthcare setting gives you the opportunity to make valuable connections within whichever healthcare field you want to go into. These connections will provide you with opportunities to possibly shadow in the field of your interest, or possibly even do research in that field.

To become a phlebotomist, you will most likely need to take a course that will allow you to become certified in phlebotomy. There are many programs in the state of Michigan, and a few in Lansing. However, these courses do cost money, sometimes upwards of $1,000. These courses are generally not very long; however they may vary depending on where you take them.

If you are interested in becoming a phlebotomist, a place to check out for a course can be found here: https://drmilc.com/get-trained/phlebotomy/. If you are at home, I would recommend searching “Phlebotomy courses near me” on your web browser and usually lots of results will pop up.

I hope this was insightful!

Chase Moscovic

Pre-Health Peer Advisor