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Understanding mRNA Vaccines

mRNA vaccines are very relative to us today and have ultimately saved thousands of lives in addition to helping our society get back to normal. The two mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 are the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that have enhanced science and technology to lead to a lifesaving vaccine.

What are mRNA vaccines? 

mRNA vaccines are an amazing new approach to providing you protection against infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. mRNA vaccines provide your body with the tools and ability to teach cells how to make a protein that triggers the immune response in your body to produce antibodies. This production of antibodies is what leads to long term protection and memory against the pathogen. So, if you were to encounter the real virus, your body would know how to handle it and be able to eradicate it effectively and sufficiently.

How do they work? 

Covid-19 mRNA vaccines provide instructions to our cells to produce the harmless portion of the covid virus, the spike protein. 

  1. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle providing instructions (mRNA) to immune cells. The cells use them to make the protein piece, then break down the instructions and get rid of them.
  2. Cells display the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize the protein and will respond by producing antibodies.
  3. Our bodies have now learned how to protect against future infection with COVID-19! 

The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is that those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.

picture containing diagram description

mRNA vaccine picture


Common Misunderstandings 

  • The vaccine does not contain any of the live virus or even in its inactivated form
    • When you get vaccinated, you will not get sick with COVID-19
  • The mRNA vaccines do not affect or interact with our DNA
    • The mRNA does not enter the nucleus of cells, hence where our genetic DNA is located. 
    • Once the mRNA does its job it will be broken down and discarded.  

Common Symptoms 

  • Symptoms: mild fever, headache, or chills to which all are completely normal and expected with any vaccination. 
  • These minor symptoms are better than contracting the actual virus and you will thank your future self!

How do mRNA vaccines compare to other types of vaccines? 

(Learn more: Here)

How vaccines compare photo


Additional Information and sources:


By: Darby