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Long-term goal setting

For big, long-term goals, the process is a bit more involved than short-term goals. Start with a statement of the big goal, then break that goal down into smaller bits. Depending on your big goal, you may set five-year, one-year, or semester goals.

Let’s see how this works by creating an example of a big goal and developing a supporting plan to attain that goal.  The action steps have various smaller steps (attached in the drop-down sections) to increase achievement of those steps. You may find creating an organized system (spreadsheet) with your own plan helpful. 

GOAL (big accomplishment): To become a physician
PLAN (a logical pathway toward the big goal*): To be an ideal candidate for medical school
METHOD (steps within the plan): I need to complete these steps:

  • see major advisor - every semester, before enrolling
  • pre-prof website - every semester, before enrolling
  • med school websites - every semester, before enrolling

To stay on track: Make a list of recommended/required classes and check them off when complete

  • office hours  - weekly
  • tutoring, help rooms - weekly
  • attendance!! - daily
  • study groups - weekly
  • study!! - daily (during the day)

To stay on track: Maintain a competitive cumulative GPA (3.6-3.8)

  • get study guides - year before MCAT
  • pre-health website - before signing up for MCAT date
  • take MCAT review course - semester before MCAT

To stay on track: Attain a competitive score = 500 (my goal, anything over 500!)

  • get to know professors - throughout college years
  • shadow physicians - throughout college years
  • volunteer whenever possible - throughout college years
  • find a research opportunity - throughout college years

Tip for obtaining letters: 2 science profs, 1 non-science, 1 physician, 1 or 2 others (get Interfolio account!)

Tip to stay on track: Update extracurriculars spreadsheet each semester

  • active in jobs, clubs - latter part of college
  • noted in letters of support - work on this throughout college

Tip to stay on track: Get elected to exec. board of at least one club

*Note: the plan does not necessarily accomplish the big, long-term goal. It may need further planning and action steps that can be done in the same manner above.