Funds By Unit
For those interested in learning how to establish a fund in an area of interest, please contact the advancement staff at (517) 353-9855.
Funds Guide
Endowed - E
- For endowed funds, the total amount of the gift is invested. Each year, only a portion of the invested income earned is spent while the remainder adds to the principal growth. In this respect, endowments are particularly advantageous as they offer dependable, perpetual sources of funding. Existing endowments may be contributed to at any time.
Expendable - X
- Expendable funds may have rules that apply to how they are utilized, but once the original money that created the fund is exhausted, the fund no longer lives to serve its purpose unless more money is given from an outside source. The advantage to expendable funds is that they can fulfill an immediate purpose or need.
Future / Planned - F
- Future or planned funds are established by groups or individuals that have planned a bequest for an established cause. These funds may remain empty until a bequest is fulfilled or may be contributed to on a continuing basis. Families and individuals who have secured a future gift are honored in the Landon Society.
X Abrams Planetarium
Gift code: A528
Description: Department discretionary fund.
X Friends of Abrams Planetarium
Gift code: A52800
Description: Other/Expendable.
X Abrams Planetarium Meteorite Fund
Gift code: A52801
Description: Equipment/Facilities/Expendable.
X Abrams Planetarium 60th Anniversary Fund
Gift code: A52802
Description: Other/Expendable. Potential uses include: purchase of equipment to make programming
more accessible, building renovations, and other programming, equipment, and exhibit
needs at the discretionary judgement of the Planetarium Director.
X Actuarial Science
Gift code: A50814
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Actuarial Science Scholarship
Gift code: A508141
Description: Scholarships will be awarded to help recruit and retain promising students who are
majoring or specializing in the Actuarial Science Program.
F Robert J. Rietz Endowed Fund in Actuarial Science
Gift code: A508142
Description: Student must be enrolled in courses which are deemed part of the Actuarial Specialization
by the Department of Mathematics.
F Radcliffe Family Endowment for Actuarial Science
Gift code: A508143
Description: This endowment supports the Actuarial Science Program in the College of Natural Sciences
at the discretion of the program coordinator.
X Ronald H. and Mary E. Simon Expendable Fund for Actuarial Science
Gift code: A508144
Description: Expendable funds will be used to fund the first few years of the Ronald H. and Mary
E. Simon Actuarial Science Lecture until the endowment builds.
E Ronald H. and Mary E. Simon Endowment for Actuarial Science
Gift code: A508145
Description: This endowment is used for the Actuarial Science Program in the College of Natural
Science to support the Ronald H. and Mary E. Simon Actuarial Science Lecture as as
other purposes that will further raise the program's visibility and success.
E Paul Buben Actuary Science Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A508146
Description: This endowment supports a student pursuing a degree in actuary science and is renewable
for up to three years after the initial award.
F William and Lydia Falk Scholarship
Gift code: A508147
Description: This scholarship will provide support to a student who is pursuing a degree in Actuarial
E J. K. Billman, Jr., M.D. Actuarial Science Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A508148
Description: Awarded to a student majoring in Actuarial Science, or if no qualified major in Actuarial
Science, to a student majoring in Mathematics.
X William M. Holmes Undergraduate Award in Actuarial Science
Gift code: A508149
Description: Recipients will be selected on the basis of documentation of successful completion
of actuarial exams administered by the Society of Actuaries or the Casualty Actuarial
Society. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the College of Natural Science
and pursuing a degree in Actuarial Science at MSU.
E Actuarial Science Exam Prize
Gift code: A508158
Description: This endowment will provide funds to award students who are successful in passing
actuarial science exams.
E William M. Holmes Actuarial Science Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A508160
Description: Preference for the award of this scholarship will be given to undergraduate students
who intend to receive a BS degree in Actuarial Science at Michigan State University.
X Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program Fund
Gift code: A522
Description: Department discretionary fund.
F Eleanor L. Barrett Endowed Scholarship in Medical Technology
Gift code: A5220
Description: Entering freshmen shall be particularly encouraged to apply for this
scholarship. Applicants shall be judged by their academic records. Preference will
be given to those applicants who demonstrate financial need as determined by the University.
E Pamela Costabile Endowed Scholarship in Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Gift code: A52201
Description: Recipients will have reached junior class standing in the Biomedical
Laboratory Diagnostics Program and shall be selected on the basis of previous academic
achievement, professional goals, and/or financial need.
E Margaret E. Smith Medical Technology Program Endowed Student Award
Gift code: A52202
Description: The endowment benefits students as determined by the discretion of the
Director of the Medical Technology Program at MSU.
F Kathryn M. Doig and Richard J. Benson Endowment Fund
Gift code: A52203
Description: The endowment will be used for Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program
purposes at the discretion of its Director.
E Stevens Award in Medical Technology
Gift code: A52204
Description: Recipients should be juniors or seniors majoring in the Biomedical Laboratory
Diagnostics Program.
F American Proficiency Institute Endowed Scholarship Fund in Medical Technology
Gift code: A52205
Description: Eligible recipients will be majoring in the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Program and will be at least junior standing at the time of the award.
E Dr. Esther M. Brown Endowment for Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Gift code: A52206
Description: Expenditures from the endowment will be used for Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Program purposes at the discretion of its Director.
E Lori Ann Neer-Swantko Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A52207
Description: The recipients shall be selected on a basis of attainment of junior status
majoring in Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program, in good academic standing.
E Lois E. Alexander Medical Technology Endowment
Gift code: A52208
Description: The endowment will be used for the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Program purposes at the discretion of its Director.
X Steve Boutell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A52209
Description: Students pursuing degrees in the Department of Biomedical Laboratory
Diagnostics with demonstrated financial need are eligible. Preference will be given
to students majoring in Molecular Laboratory Diagnostics.
X Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Education and Research Initiatives Fund
Gift code: A5221
Description: Research / Expendable.
F Larry and Lynne Norman Endowment for Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Gift code: A52210
Description: Expenditures from this endowment will be used to support the Biomedical
Laboratory Diagnostics Program at the discretion of its Director.
F Joyce E. and Howard E. Trier Endowment for Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Gift code: A522101
Description: Expenditures from the Endowment will be used to support the Biomedical
Laboratory Diagnostics Program within the College of Natural Science or its future
successor MSU unit, if any, at the discretion of its Program Director.
E Herman-Billman Endowed Scholarship in Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
Gift code: A522102
Description: Students majoring in Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics with a GPA of
3.0 or higher will be considered for this award. The Scholarship may be renewable
as long as the student maintains a minimum GPA of 2.8.
F Lynne B. Norman Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Scholarship Endowment
Gift code: A52211
Description: This scholarship will be awarded to a student who has preferably sophomore
status majoring in the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program.
F Gerlach Family Discretionary Endowment Fund
Gift code: A52213
Description: This endowment will be used at the discretion of the Director of Biomedical
Laboratory Diagnostics Program.
E Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program Alumni Board Endowment
Gift code: A52214
Description: Expenditures from the endowment will be used to support the Biomedical
Laboratory Diagnostics Program, or its future successor MSU unit, if any, at the discretion
of its Director.
X Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A52215
Description: Undergraduate / Expendable.
X Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostic Program Research Scholarship
Gift code: A52216
Description: Research / Expendable.
F Daniel Edson Endowed Professorship
Gift code: A52217
Description: Expendable amounts will be used to support an endowed professorship in
the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program.
F Donna M. Duberg Graduate Award in Clinical Laboratory Science
Gift code: A52218
Description: Recipients will be pursuing a master's degree and/or be enrolled in a
clinical/professional doctorate program within the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
E A. L. Rogers Research Scholarship in Medical Mycology
Gift code: A5222
Description: Recipients must be enrolled in graduate studies in either Medical Technology,
Microbiology or Botany & Plant Pathology. Must have completed at least one year of
grad study and have outstanding academic record.
E Hiscock Endowment for Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science Award
Gift code: A5223
Description: Supports current or new initiatives to enhance the Biomedical Laboratory
Diagnostics Program's commitment to undergraduate education.
E Eleanor L. Barrett Medical Technology Discretionary Endowment Fund
Gift code: A5224
Description: Funds benefit students enrolled in the Medical Technology Program, College
of Natural Science, through such things as undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships,
enhanced computer/educational technologies, and laboratory instrumentation particularly
as it applies to undergraduate and graduate education.
E Pamela Agren Memorial Scholarship
Gift code: A5225
Description: Recipients of junior class standing in the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program
shall be selected for this scholarship on the basis of previous academic achievement,
professional goals, and/or financial need.
E Robert W. Bull, DVM Transfusion Medicine Fund
Gift code: A5227
Description: This endowment supports a transfusion medicine lecture once a year or
the purchase of transfusion medicine reference materials to be distributed to professional
F Florence Nothstine Endowed Scholarship Fund for Medical Technology
Gift code: A5228
Description: Recipient shall be an undergraduate with four semesters or less remaining
or a graduate student enrolled and in good standing, majoring in Medical Technology
or Clinical Laboratory Sciences. This scholarship is not to be an award for top grades
but rather is intended to help students who have demonstrated the initiative to help
themselves by working at least part-time while attending school and who have financial
F G. Birchard Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5229
Description: Funds provide scholarship support for undergraduate students in good
academic standing with intent to receive a Bachelor of Science degree from the Biomedical
Laboratory Diagnostics Program.
X Cell and Molecular Biology Discretionary Fund
Gift code: A532
Description: Department discretionary fund.
X Center for Advanced Microscopy
Gift code: A520
Description: Center discretionary fund.
X Center for Integrative Studies in General Science
Gift code: A527
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Lorena V. Blinn Endowed Teaching Award
Gift code: A5273
Description: The instructor shall demonstrate command of the subject matter including the incorporation
of current research, experience, recent developments and/or ideas into pedagogy. This
content must be reliable knowledge, pertinent, timely, relevant to the course, and
should show relationships between and across related areas of study.
E Dr. James D. Hoeschele-Center for Integrative Studies in General Science Endowed Teaching
Gift code: A5274
Description: The award recognizes and rewards excellence in teaching by faculty in the Center
for Integrative Studies in General Science at MSU at intervals determined at the discretion
of the Center's Director. The teacher shall demonstrate command of the subject matter
including the incorporation of current research, experience, recent developments and/or
ideas into pedagogy. This content must be reliable knowledge, pertinent, timely, relevant
to the course, and should show relationships between and across related areas of study.
E Ralph and Alison Taggart Endowed Teaching Award
Gift code: A5275
Description: This endowment funds an annual teaching award in the Center for Integrative Studies
in General Science.
Gift code: A50037
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Charles Drew Laboratory Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A500371
Description: Recipients must have completed two years in the Drew Program, fulfilled the Drew attendance requirement in class and study sessions, have documented community service through the Science Learning Center, have a GPA of 3.0 and be enrolled in a major within the College of Natural Science.
X Human Biology Enhancement Fund in Natural Science
Gift code: A500011
Description: Unrestricted/expendable funds for the Human Biology Program.
E Drs. David G. McConnell and Patricia Barnes-McConnell DREW Scholars Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A500013
Description: This scholarship supports students in the Charles Drew Science Scholars
Program, with first preference given to students with demonstrated financial need
and second preference to students who have faced or are facing adversity or overcome
socioeconomic, educational, or other obstacles that may inhibit their access to higher
E Betty J. Rice Scholarship for Medical Technologies
Gift code: A500017
Description: Undergraduate students in good academic standing who are pursuing a degree
in Biomedical Laboratory Science, Medical Laboratory Science or a related field will
be eligible for this award. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated
financial need.
E Lauren Polk Smith Scholarship for Human Biology
Gift code: A500019
Description: This scholarship supports students who are pursuing a degree in Human
Biology who have demonstrated financial need.
E Leroy Augenstein Memorial Fund
Gift code: A50002
Description: This scholarship recipient will be a Michigan resident, majoring within
the College of Natural Science at a junior or senior level that demonstrates financial
need as determined by the University. Minimum overall grade point average will be
E Natural Science Experiential Learning Fund
Gift code: A500020
Description: Undergraduate students enrolled in the College and participating in approved
on-campus research may be considered for the Scholarship.
X College of Natural Science Outstanding Graduate Experience Fund
Gift code: A500021
Description: Supports emergency funds for graduate students in the College of Natural
E Plant and Environmental Science Building Endowment
Gift code: A500022
Description: Funds will support initiatives and needs within or associated with the
Plant and Environmental Science Building, or future successor building, including
but not limited to current and future programs and/or research, faculty and staff
salaries, equipment needs, and facility maintenance.
E William A. Sells, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50003
Description: Junior or senior full-time student in NatSci life sciences program pursuing
a pre-medicine curriculum. Recipient shall demonstrate merit and financial need.
X Science Building
Gift code: A50004
Description: Building/Facilities.
E James A. Sarah T. Kennelley Scholarship Fund for the Sciences
Gift code: A500046
Description: Students majoring in Chemistry or Human Biology will be eligible for
this award. If there are no qualifying students majoring in Chemistry or Human Biology,
students majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Physiology, Neuroscience,
or Microbiology and Molecular Biology will also be considered. Recipients will be
sophomore status or higher with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0. Scholarships may be renewable
for junior and senior years at the discretion of the Dean. Preference given to students
who are residents of the state of Michigan.
E College of Natural Science Dean's Strategic Vision Endowment Fund
Gift code: A50007
Description: This fund is for projects and programs which enhance the teaching, research,
and public service activities performed by the College of Natural Science.
E George E. Leroi-College of Natural Science Strategic Visioning Fund
Gift code: A500071
Description: The endowment will provide funds to proactively invest discretionary
resources in as yet undeveloped technologies, new fields of research, and emerging
instructional methods as determined at the discretion of the Dean of the College of
Natural Science at MSU.
E Dr. Fred Stutzenberger Undergraduate Research Endowment Fund (SURE)
Gift code: A5000712
Description: This fund facilitates biomedical research at the undergraduate student
level. Participants must exhibit a productive sense of scientific curiosity, maturity
and persistence to reach defined research goals, and desire to pursue a research career.
Students majoring in the College of Natural Science submit proposals for qualified
biomedical research projects.
E Dr. Alfred Borgatti Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000713
Description: This scholarship will be awarded to a student in a biological science
related major.
X Hach Scientific Foundation Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000714
Description: Undergrad/Expendable.
X College of Natural Science Distinguished Expendable Fellowships
Gift code: A5000715
Description: Graduate/Expendable.
E Alfred J. and Ruth Zeits Research Endowment Fund
Gift code: A5000716
Description: The endowment will be used equally to support needs to enhance nuclear
and laser science research at MSU and may include but not be limited to student stipends,
instrumentation or travel. If applicable, a portion of the income may support nuclear
and laser research related to cancer.
X R. James and Carol A. Kirkpatrick Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A5000717
Description: Graduate/Expendable.
X Lawrence G. and Eveline L. Mullica Research Award Fund
Gift code: A5000718
Description: All graduates/Expendable.
F Henry Blosser Endowed Professorship
Gift code: A5000719
Description: The income from The Henry Blosser Endowed Professorship will be used
to supplement the amount typically paid by the University for Professors that meet
its normal requirements, thereby enabling the University to hire or retain a higher
caliber individual than would otherwise be the case.
E Arnold D. and Helen E. Suomi Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A500072
Description: Recipients should be enrolled in the College and majoring in the biological
sciences, including pre-medicine and pre-veterinary medicine, with preference given
to students who graduated from Huron County.
E Herbert and Marianne Eleuterio Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000720
Description: Recipients should have reached sophomore standing, with the scholarship
being used in their junior year of study. This scholarship should be made available
to any student studying the sciences, including but not limited to any physical or
biological sciences that has a course of study in the College of Natural Science.
E Pui Kei Wong Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000723
Description: This endowment is for students who will have reached junior level at
the time of the initial award and major in the College of Natural Science. Selection
criteria for the scholarship recipients will emphasize academic credentials and promise.
F Gus and Helen Coukoulis Science Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000724
Description: Awarded to students with financial need majoring in the College of Natural
E Irish Family Teaching Endowment
Gift code: A5000725
Description: This endowment supports scholarships for future science and mathematics
teachers at the secondary level. Students admitted to the Teacher Education program
and majoring in science or mathematics in the College of Natural Science are eligible.
E Laurence D. Harrup Research Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000726
Description: This award supports undergraduate students majoring in the Department
of Chemistry in the College of Natural Science who wish to participate in research
in the area of green chemistry.
E William M. and Mary King Conner Natural Science Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000727
Description: This endowment is for students who have reached junior level with demonstrated
financial need at the time of the initial award and majoring in the College of Natural
Science. Selection criteria emphasize academic credentials and promise.
F Norman A. Spatz Endowed Research Scholarship
Gift code: A5000728
Description: This endowment supports undergraduate students majoring in Chemistry
in the College of Natural Science who are engaged in an approved research project.
F Donald A. and Lavonne C. Bomeli Scholarship for Future Teachers
Gift code: A5000729
Description: This endowment supports scholarships for future science and mathematics
teachers at the secondary level. Students admitted to the Teacher Education program
and majoring in science or mathematics in the College of Natural Science are eligible.
E Dolores A. Miller Scholarship for Future Teachers
Gift code: A5000730
Description: These scholarships are for future science and mathematics teachers at
the secondary level. Students admitted to the Teacher Education program and majoring
in science or mathematics in the College of Natural Science will be eligible. Preference
is given to applicants majoring in chemistry.
F Angie Turnas Endowed Undergraduate Research Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000731
Description: Recipients must be Michigan high school graduates and have reached junior/senior
level in Chemistry in the College of Natural Science and engaged in an approved research
project. Selection shall be based on academic performance and not financial need.
F Grace C. Hoffer Endowed Graduate Award Fund
Gift code: A5000732
Description: This award will be given to graduate students majoring in the College
of Natural Science and engaged in cancer research on the East Lansing campus.
E Roland A. Helwig Fund
Gift code: A5000733
Description: This fund will be used to support the College of Natural Science purposes
determined at the discretion of the Dean.
E Nellie R. Knepper Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000734
Description: Undergraduate Endowment.
X Natural Science Dean's Research Scholars Program
Gift code: A5000736
Description: This fund will support the Dean’s Research Scholars program in the College
of Natural Science. Funds may be used for scholarship support for the Dean’s Research
Scholars as as for student travel and programmatic expenses.
F Kenneth B. and Carole A. Yerrick Undergraduate Research Endowment Fund
Gift code: A5000739
Description: Recipients must be majoring in the College of Natural Science and engaged
in an approved research project.
E Richard C. and Shirley G. Pendell Endowed Scholarship for Prospective Teachers in
Science and Mathematics
Gift code: A500074
Description: This scholarship is for students in the College of Natural Science at
end of senior year who are pursuing teacher certification and plan to do an internship
through the College of Education. Special consideration is given to applicants who
are or have been members of intercollegiate sports teams. Recipients must be pursuing
a teaching certificate with intentions of teaching K-12 science or mathematics.
E Leonard and Sharon Tabaka Natural Science Undergraduate Research Scholars Award
Gift code: A5000740
Description: Recipients must be undergraduate students enrolled full-time and majoring
in the College of Natural Science and must have completed at least one semester of
research with an MSU faculty mentor.
E Internship Scholarship for Future K-12 Math and Science Teachers
Gift code: A5000741
Description: Recipients shall be students majoring in mathematics or science in the
College of Natural Science and admitted to the Teacher Education program. Preference
will be given to students who play the piano or a string instrument.
E Dr. Marilyn Zweng Endowed Graduate Student Award in Mathematics Education
Gift code: A5000742
Description: Preference shall be given to students who have received an undergraduate
degree in mathematics, who have taught mathematics at the K-12 level, and are active
ambassadors of mathematics education. Awards may cover tuition, stipends, travel/research
support, and other allowable expenses.
X William J. Sonsin Scholarship in Mathematics
Gift code: A5000744
Description: All Graduates / Expendable.
F Laurie G. and Joseph M. Thorp Endowed Scholarship in Natural Science
Gift code: A5000745
Description: Supports students of sophomore status or above in the College of Natural
Science who are actively enrolled in the Residential Initiative for the Study of the
Environment (RISE) Program. Preference will be given to students who reside in Michigan,
are first-generation college students, and have demonstrated evidence of leadership
in campus sustainability at MSU.
F Dr. Evan F. and Linda B. Meltzer Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5000746
Description: Recipients shall be students majoring in the College of Natural Science
and participating in the Residential Initiative on the Study of the Environment (RISE)
program, with preference given to students with an interest in genetic research or
environmental studies. Recipients will be selected on the basis of demonstrating financial
E Donahue-Voit Endowment for Scientific Literacy
Gift code: A5000747
Description: At the discretion of the Dean of the College of Natural Science, this
fund may be used for, but not limited to, support for development or delivery of student-focused
activities that help build the scientific literacy of MSU undergraduates who are not
planning to pursue careers in science.
F Friderici Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Gift code: A5000748
Description: Research scholarship for any level undergraduate student. Preference
will be given to those with financial need and first generation college students.
E Dr. Phillip and Tonya Collier Family Endowed Scholarship in Natural Science
Gift code: A5000749
Description: This fund provides scholarship support with preference given to students
who reside in Metro Detroit, who are enrolled in the Charles Drew Science Scholars
program within the College of Natural Science. Special consideration shall be given
to assure that this scholarship supports the university’s stated mission of building
and supporting a culture of diversity and inclusion on campus.
F Sharon and Leonard Tabaka Endowed Scholarship in Natural Science
Gift code: A5000750
Description: Recipients shall be undergraduate students enrolled in the College of
Natural Science.
F Bowen Computational Mathematics Endowment Fund
Gift code: A5000751
Description: Expendable amounts shall be used to support assistant professors who
are working towards tenure, postdoctoral researchers or graduate students who are
conducting research within the Department of Mathematics and/or the Department of
Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering.
E Reed-Gertenbach Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry
Gift code: A5000752
Description: Recipient(s) shall be of at least junior status in the College of Natural
Science with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship is renewable providing that
the recipients continue to meet the selection criteria and maintain a GPA of at least
3.0. Preference will be given to a Chemistry major, however if no Chemistry major
currently fit these criteria, the Scholarship may be awarded to a student studying
a physical science in the College of Natural Science. Preference will be given to
students who are residents of the state of Michigan.
F Bradley and Cathy Hoot Endowed Research Fellowship in Evolution
Gift code: A5000753
Description: This Fellowship will be available to graduate research fellows who engage
in research focused on evolution at Michigan State University. Recipients may work
with faculty on research that is interdisciplinary in nature including, but not limited
to, faculty affiliated with the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics,
the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program, and the BEACON Center for the Study
of Evolution in Action. Preference will be given to fellows who are willing to serve
as leaders for the science of evolution, raising public awareness and engaging with
those who hold alternate, unscientific theories on this subject.
F Keith and Sue Knapp Endowed Scholarship Fund in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A500076
Description: Recipients selected based on financial need and majoring in the College
of Natural Science.
F Keith R. Knapp and Sue B. Knapp Enhancement Endowment Fund
Gift code: A500077
Description: The endowment will be used for projects and programs which enhance the
teaching, research and public service activities performed by the College.
E Douglas A. Kostal Memorial Scholarship Fund for Future Science Teachers
Gift code: A500078
Description: Students admitted to the Teacher Education program in the College of
Education and majoring in science in the College of Natural Science will be eligible
to apply. Preference will be given to College of Natural Science chemistry teaching
majors. The scholarship could be available to undergraduate students in their senior
and/or internship year(s) and to post-BA students during their internship year.
X College of Natural Science Undergraduate Emergency Assistance Fund
Gift code: A5000790
Description: Funds will be used to assist NatSci undergraduate students that encounter
minor financial needs and challenges during their educational experience with us.
Funds will be used for needs such as class credits, text books, hold fees on student
accounts or unforeseen expenses that may put a student in jeopardy of graduating.
E Wright Family Endowed Scholarship in the Sciences
Gift code: A5000791
Description: Scholarship support for any level undergraduate student who demonstrates
financial need. Preference will be given to students who are the first generation
in their family to attend college.
E Charles and Susan Bauer Undergraduate Assistance Endowment
Gift code: A5000794
Description: Students enrolled in the College of Natural Science who need assistance
with unexpected, unforeseeable, or unavoidable emergency expenses shall be considered
for this award. Emergency situations will include, but are not limited to: accidents,
illness, death of a family member, fire damage or need for temporary housing. Recipients
will be selected on an ongoing basis, with awards to be effective immediately or the
semester funds are requested.
X Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Student Emergency Fund
Gift code: A5000799
Description: Emergency support for students in the Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology.
E Emory James and Mary Kathryn Patmos Endowed Scholarship Fund in Natural Science
Gift code: A50008
Description: Scholarship recipients are students admitted to any program in the College
of Natural Science transferring post high school graduation credit from a junior or
community college with preference to students who have participated in community and
volunteer service. Scholarships will be awarded to students with an interest in pursuing
secondary education degrees in science or mathematics teaching under the Teachers
for a New Era initiative or successor programs that reflect its purposes.
E Dr. Norman F. and Mrs. Jean B. Bach Undergraduate Student Scholarship in Chemistry
Gift code: A500083
Description: Recipients will be Michigan residents who have reached sophomore-level
academic standing, are majoring in chemistry and have financial need.
E College of Natural Science Legacy Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A500086
Description: The intent of this scholarship is to support a student who could successfully
achieve an undergraduate degree with additional financial assistance.
E George T. Bentley Endowed Scholarship for Natural Science
Gift code: A500087
Description: Applicants must be sophomore level at the time of application majoring
in the College of Natural Science with a GPA in the range of 2.5-3.0.
F James M. and Tena R. Vogt Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A500088
Description: Recipients shall be students who have earned a 3.0 or very near 3.0 GPA,
and who demonstrate a financial need but do not qualify or benefit from substantial
federal or state education subsidies.
F Edward P. Kiernan Scholarship for Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science
Gift code: A500089
Description: This fund supports undergraduate students in good academic standing with
intent to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, Statistics and Probability,
or Actuarial Science.
X Edward P. Kiernan Expendable Scholarship for Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial
Gift code: A5000890
Description: This fund supports undergraduate students in good academic standing with
intent to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, Statistics and Probability,
or Actuarial Science.
E Dr. Ethel M. Cormier STEM Research Fund
Gift code: A5000891
Description: Funds will be used to support initiatives, activities, and/or faculty
in the College of Natural Science that contribute to the advancement of diversity
and inclusion in STEM education in order to create a more equitable environment and
increase access for underserved individuals pursuing STEM education and careers. Areas
of support may include but are not limited to:
i. K-16 STEM research, program development, and implementation.
ii. K-12 STEM outreach and recruitment.
iii. Bridge program development, enhancement, and/or student participation support.
iv. Experiential Learning, research opportunities and/or training opportunities.
v. Career readiness initiatives.
vi. Research, development, and/or deployment of innovative resources that contribute
to bias-free learning environments, with a focus on emerging technologies, including
but not limited to artificial intelligence.
E Mathew J. and Carol Lanphear Joyce Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A5000892
Description: Recipients(s) shall be incoming freshman through seniors in the College
of Natural Science. Recipients will be selected on the basis of demonstrating financial
need and having earned a minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale or high school equivalent.
Preference will be given to students who are the first generation in their family
to attend college and residents of the State of Michigan.
E Connected Mathematics Project
Gift code: A50009
Description: This endowment supports research, curriculum development, and teaching
enrichment activities related to the Connected Mathematics Project.
E Connected Mathematics Project II
Gift code: A500091
Description: Provide support for one or more Lappan-Phillips Endowed Professorships
in Mathematics and Science Education and support to enhance research in math and science
education in the College of Natural Science at MSU.
E Connected Mathematics Project III
Gift code: A5000910
Description: Support the development and licensing of additional scholarly copyrighted
works from MSU faculty and staff. Establish a Fund Functioning as an Endowment in
the College of Natural Science.
E Donald W. Homan Scholarship in Natural Science
Gift code: A5000911
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for undergraduate students pursuing
a degree in the College of Natural Science with a GPA that falls within the top 80%
of students, and who are residents of the state of Michigan with preference given
to students from Muskegon and Oceana counties.
F Russell F. and Julie K. Meyer Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A5000913
Description: Recipients shall be undergraduate students pursuing a major in any of
the biological sciences with preference given to students pursing a major offered
within the departments of Integrative Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics,
or Physiology. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above on a
4.0 scale. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need, are
first generation to attend college, and/or students who are educationally disadvantaged.
E Marilyn C. and Boris N. Dimitroff Scholarship
Gift code: A5000914
Description: This scholarship supports undergraduate students pursuing a major in
mathematics. Preference will be given to students who are members of the Honors College.
Additional preference will be given to stuents with financial need.
F Pamela J. Fraker, Ph.D. Student Research Award
Gift code: A500092
Description: Donor intends to establish a 10-year expendable research award fund through
a future estate gift to benefit graduate and undergraduate students performing scientific
research in life sciences enrolled at MSU in the College of Natural Science.
F Pamela J. Fraker Undergraduate Scholarship Expendable Fund in Biochemistry
Gift code: A500093
Description: Funds will benefit worthy and capable undergraduate students enrolled
at MSU in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
E The David and Jean Longley Scholarship
Gift code: A500094
Description: Recipients shall be freshman students in the College of Natural Science
studying one of the following biological sciences: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics, Cell & Molecular Biology, Entomology, Genetics,
Human Biology, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Neuroscience, Physiology, Plant
Biology, Zoology or any future biological science program within the College of Natural
Science. Preference will be given to students from Lenawee County, Michigan.
F William J. Sonsin Scholarship in Mathematics
Gift code: A500095
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for incoming freshman through
seniors in the College of Natural Science who demonstrate financial need and have
earned a minimum 2.5 GPA. Preference will be given to a Mathematics major, however
if no Mathematics major currently fits the criteria, the award may be made to a student
studying a physical science in the College of Natural Science.
E Graduate Student Innovation in Research Award
Gift code: A500096
Description: Research award for graduate students with the most innovative and creative
science experiment.
E RADK Endowed Scholarship Award
Gift code: A500097
Description: This fund will provide scholarship support for students with a G.P.A.
of 3.0 or above who have significant participation in one or more non-athletic extra-curricular
activities such as research, health care volunteering, environmental projects, etc.
Preference will be given to students participating in the Residential Initiative on
the Study of the Environment (RISE) program.
F Gerald P. and Jean G. Rakoczy Endowed Scholarship in Natural Science
Gift code: A500098
Description: Recipients shall be students in the College of Natural Science who may
not be eligible for any other financial aid or are no longer eligible to participate
in Federal aid programs.
E Thomas W. and Marilyn M. Culpepper Scholarship Fund in Natural Science
Gift code: A50010
Description: Awarded to undergraduate students interested in the Physical Sciences
or Mathematics.
E Max A. and LeAnn B. Goodwin Discretionary Endowed Fund for the College of Natural
Gift code: A50011
Description: This fund is to be used for College of Natural Science's purposes at
the discretion of its Dean.
E Dr. Benjamin H. Pringle - College of Natural Science Alumni Endowed Scholarships
Gift code: A50015
Description: Recipients must be full-time graduate and undergraduate students of the
College of Natural Science who have demonstrated academic excellence and leadership
E Dallas J. Chapin Endowed Scholarship in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50017
Description: Recipients must demonstrate academic excellence and determination to
succeed in chosen field.
E College of Natural Science Educational Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A50018
Description: In all programs in the college, this fund is designed to enable departments
to seize opportunities to expand and/or enhance educational research programs.
E College of Natural Science Faculty/Staff Distinguished Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A5002
Description: Enables the college to offer highly competitive awards, to recruit outstanding
students and to promote innovative education opportunities for advanced graduate students
and superior undergraduates.
E Kenneth B. and Carole A. Yerrick Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50020
Description: Applicants must be non-preprofessional students majoring in chemistry,
physics, microbiology or biochemistry in the College of Natural Science and be graduates
of a Midland County High School or a graduate of Owosso High School or a graduate
from Saginaw County or Bay County schools. Financial need and sustainable performance
shall receive highest priorities in the selection process.
E Robert G. Seiferlein Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50021
Description: Be a freshman entering the University from the most recent graduating
class from Arthur Hill School, Saginaw, MI, or any successor public high school serving
the same geographical area majoring in the College of Natural Science.
E College of Natural Science Undergraduate Research Support Program
Gift code: A50022
Description: Recipients must do a research project endorsed by a Faculty member at
MSU. Must be a full-time student and working 8-10 hours per week on the research project.
E Ronald W. Wilson Endowed Teaching Award
Gift code: A50023
Description: This award will be made to a College of Natural Science faculty member
with a commitment to teaching non-science majors in integrated studies in physical
or biological sciences. They must demonstrate high educational standards; superior
classroom performance; -developed, organized and sequenced instruction; and a provision
for student participation to ensure active learning.
X College of Natural Science Study Abroad Program
Gift code: A50025
Description: Study Abroad/Expendable.
E Dr. Marvin Hensley Endowed Fellowships in Science
Gift code: A50026
Description: These graduate fellowships are awarded based on academic achievement
and financial need. Recipients must be studying in a topic related to one of the disciplines
within the College of Natural Science, with a special emphasis and consideration given
to students in environmental research thrust areas.
E Nelson-MacLellan Endowed Scholarship in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50027
Description: Recipients shall be selected on a basis of academic excellence and financial
E GRAM Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50028
Description: Undergraduate Endowment. Recipients will be selected on the basis of
their academic standing, their desire to study in the sciences and any notable achievements.
Preference will be given to students from under-represented populations.
E Norman L. and Olga K. Fritz Excellence in Teaching Award
Gift code: A50029
Description: The monies generated and to be administered by the University shall fund
an endowed award program to be known as the Normal L. and Olga K. Fritz Excellence
in Teaching Award.
E Elsie M. Jackson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50032
Description: Undergraduate Endowment. Recipients must follow an undergraduate curriculum
major in science. Preference is given to students from the state of Michigan. Special
consideration will be given to students who permanently reside in St. Clair County,
E Richard J. Benefiel Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50033
Description: Undergraduate Endowment. Recipients shall be graduates of a Berrien County
High School with preference being given to Benton Harbor High School (BHHS) graduates
either as incoming freshman or transfer students from Lake Michigan College with a
major in the College of Natural Science. If there are no qualified applicants from
BHHS, secondary preference shall be given to St. Joseph High School graduates with
a major in the College of Natural Science.
E Thomas and Mary Krigas Endowed Scholarship Fund in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50034
Description: Undergraduate Endowment. The scholarship normally shall be awarded in
addition to any renewals annually to one sophomore student in the College of Natural
Science. The recipient's academic goals should demonstrate an understanding of the
importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.
E William G. 'Bill' and Zelda Keck Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50036
Description: Undergraduate Endowment. The intent of this scholarship is to support
a worthy student who could successfully achieve an undergraduate degree with additional
financial assistance. While demonstrated academic success is important, financial
need and the availability of the scholarship to students with diverse academic abilities
is of equal or greater importance.
E Drs. G. Thomas and Robin L. Morgan Endowment Fund
Gift code: A50038
Description: Faculty Endowment.
E Ethan C. Galloway, Ph.D. and Patricia W. Galloway, Ph.D. College of Natural Science
Endowment Fund
Gift code: A50039
Description: This fund has been established to create an unrestricted endowment to
be used for purposes determined at the discretion of the Dean of the College of Natural
Science at MSU or for any future successor MSU unit.
X Excellence in Teaching Fund
Gift code: A5004
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E Larry D. Fowler Endowment Fund in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50041
Description: Funds from this endowment will support three scholarship purposes:
The Larry D. Fowler Undergraduate Student Scholarships: These awards support undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Natural Science who graduated from Sexton and Eastern High Schools in Ingham County, Michigan.
The Larry D. Fowler Undergraduate Research Stipends: These awards will support undergraduate students participating in research in the College of Natural Science.
The Larry D. Fowler Scholarships for Future Teachers: These awards support students who are admitted to the Teacher Education Program and are majoring in science or mathematics.
E Kirkwood E. Faber Enhancement Fund for the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50042
Description: Programmatic / Endowment. This general-purpose opportunity fund will
ensure that the College of Natural Science has the required flexibility to seize the
benefits of continually evolving opportunities in science and mathematics.
E The Haenni Family Scholarship Fund in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50043
Description: This scholarship is intended to recognize academic achievement potential
in an incoming freshman enrolled in the College of Natural Science who graduated from
a Branch County, Michigan high school with a 3.6 or higher high school GPA.
X Haenni Family Expendable Scholarship in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A500431
Description: Undergrad / Expendable.
E Dr. Benjamin H. Pringle and Dale E. Hissong Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Natural
Gift code: A50044
Description: This endowed scholarship has been established by Dale E. Hissong to honor
the life, work and friendship with Dr. Benjamin H. Pringle. Scholarships will be awarded
to elementary or secondary education students or to students pursuing post-baccalaureate
teacher certification with a major in science and/or mathematics under initiatives
such as the Teachers for a New Era and expresses interest in teaching in urban or
rural settings.
E Dr. Benjamin H. Pringle Memorial Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund in Natural Science
Gift code: A50045
Description: Recipients shall be graduate students in the College of Natural Science.
E Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Hanson Scholarship
Gift code: A500456
Description: Juniors and seniors enrolled in the College of Natural Science will be
considered for this award. Preference will be given to NatSci students studying pre-optometry.
Recipients will have a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0. Preference given to students who are
residents of Kent County, Michigan if all other factors are equal. The scholarship
may be renewable through a student’s fifth year of undergraduate study.
E Lumsden-Valrance Scholarship in the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A5005
Description: Must be a non-preprofessional student who will be a junior the upcoming
fall semester pursuing a baccalaureate degree in the College of Natural Science with
financial need. Preference given to students from Northern Michigan.
E Ramon F. and Dorothy F. Rolf Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5006
Description: One student at the junior or senior level majoring in Chemistry or Biochemistry
from Midland County, which can include transfer students from a Midland County community
college; and One entering freshman from either a Midland County high school or Elk
Rapids High School enrolled in the College of Natural Science with an interest in
studying the chemical and biological sciences.
E Dr. Charles and Martha Vincent MSU Black Alumni Natural Science Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A5007
Description: Preference given to those intending to pursue a baccalaureate major in
Chemistry or its aligned disciplines. Minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA for current MSU students.
Incoming freshman are eligible to apply for this Scholarship provided their minimum
high school GPA is 3.0. Financial need may be considered. Must be a full-time student.
African-American students are encouraged to apply.
F Margaret and Patrick Sharp Endowed Fund for the College of Natural Science
Gift code: A50071
Description: Expenditures will support the College of Natural Science at the discretion
of its Dean.
E Dean’s Research Scholars Endowment Fund
Gift code: A500740
Description: Scholarship support for students enrolled full time, majoring within
the College of Natural Science with research experience and Programmatic support for
the Dean’s Research Scholars Program.
E Susan Bryan Reimer, M.D. Natural Science Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5008
Description: Recipients will have a G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher. Preference will be given
to students with demonstrated financial need.
E Guenther-Nickerson-Wade Emergency Fund for NatSci Students
Gift code: A5009
Description: Students in the College of Natural Science will be eligible for this
award. Awards may be used to help cover educational costs as well as unforeseen emergencies
such as but not limited to accidents, illness, fire damage, theft, destruction or
loss of property, family tragedies or other emergencies for students in the College
of Natural Science.
E Ronald E. Goldsberry Family MSU Black Alumni Natural Science Scholarship
Gift code: A50510
Description: This recipient shall be a declared major in the College of Natural Science
with preference given to Chemistry majors. Recipients must be a full-time student.
Financial need may be considered. Minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA for current MSU students.
Incoming freshmen are eligible to apply provided their minimum high school GPA is
E Herbert T. Graham Scholarship
Gift code: A529
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for students of junior status
or above who are studying Mathematics, Chemistry, or Physics in the College of Natural
Science. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and have a 3.0 minimum GPA.
X Center for Microbial Ecology Industrial Affiliates Program
Gift code: A531
Description: Other/Expendable.
E Min Chen Graduate Award for Computational and Earth Sciences
Gift code: A5333
Description: Graduate students pursuing an advanced degree in the Department of Computational
Mathematics, Science, and Engineering or the Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences will be considered for this award. Funds may be used for but not limited
to assistantships and costs associated with conference attendance. Preference will
be given to students who meet the following criteria in order of priority: 1. applicants
whose enrollment will contribute to our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
while enhancing their program’s academic excellence and diversity as indicated in
a personal statement. 2. graduate students in the field of seismology, or who use
advanced computational methods in their work.
X Biological Science Program
Gift code: A58
Description: Department discretionary fund.
X College of Natural Science Create for STEM
Gift code: A59
Description: Unrestricted / Expendable.
Gift code: A533
Description: Department discretionary fund.
F Yunck Family Endowment for Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Gift code: A5330
Description: This fund supports the salary and fringe benefits of one or more Endowed
Professors, and administrative and research costs of their work, including, but not
limited, to other salaries, fringe benefits, and research equipment and supplies.
F Yunck Family Endowed Postdoctoral Research Fund
Gift code: A5331
Description: This fund supports the salary and fringe benefits of one or more postdoctoral
research fellows, and administrative and research costs of their work, including,
but not limited, to other salaries, fringe benefits, travel expenses, and research
equipment and supplies.
E Raymond P. and Marie M. Ginther Graduate Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A5332
Description: Expendable amounts will be used to provide academic and research support
to recruit one or more exceptional graduate students. Recipients shall add excellence
to the academic and research profile of the Computational Mathematics, Science and
Engineering Department. Expendable amounts may also be used to support a Graduate
Assistantship in the Department.
X Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Natural Science
Gift code: A502
Description: Department discretionary fund.
E Department of Biochemistry Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5020
Description: This fund provides student recipients support for education while devoting time toward
a research project. Students need to carry a 3.0 GPA and be a junior or senior.
F Dr. Jack Preiss Endowment in Biochemistry
Gift code: A50201
Description: This fund supports a graduate fellowship or faculty position in the Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
X Mitochondrial Medicine Discretionary Fund
Gift code: A50202
Description: The Center for Mitochondrial Science and Medicine seeks to identify key cellular
players in the mitochondrial life cycle and leverage this in the design and development
of therapeutics for treatment of diseases.
E Dr. Richard U. and Claire M. Byerrum Endowed Fellowship
Gift code: A50204
Description: Awarded to graduate students in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
E Prof. Richard L. Anderson Endowed Undergraduate Research Prize and Dr. James K. Billman,
Jr., Undergraduate Research Award(s)
Gift code: A50205
Description: This award will be given to junior or senior-level Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
undergraduates performing research. Recipients must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
E Pamela J. Fraker Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment in Biochemistry
Gift code: A50206
Description: Preference will be given to students who have achieved sophomore status, who demonstrate
financial need and who have earned a 3.0 GPA.
X Pamela J. Fraker Undergraduate Scholarship Expendable Fund in Biochemistry
Gift code: A502060
Description: Preference will be given to students who have achieved sophomore status, who demonstrate
financial need and who have earned a 3.0 GPA.
F Craig and Joyce Ritchie Endowed Scholarship in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Gift code: A502061
Description: This endowment benefits an incoming freshman to the Department of Biochemistry with
a GPA of no less than 3.6 and ACT score of 26. The recipient must be an in-state student
who has qualified for financial need as determined by the Federal Government.
E Jack Throck Watson Graduate Fellowship in Biochemistry Endowment
Gift code: A502062
Description: Recipients will be graduate students in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
E James K. Billman, Jr., M.D. Endowed Professorship
Gift code: A502063
Description: Recipients will be assistant professors with great potential for promising scientific
careers in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Positions will be
held for a non-renewable term of five years.
E Richard E. Palmer Endowment Fund
Gift code: A502064
Description: Expendable amounts will be used to enhance research opportunities for graduate students
by providing programmatic funding and research awards to cover travel expenses for
presentation of professional papers, essential research supplies and other expenses
related to graduate research.
E J. K. Billman, Jr., M.D. Endowed Research Professorship Fund
Gift code: A502065
Description: Recipients will be assistant professors with great potential for promising scientific
careers in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Positions will be
held for a non-renewable term of five years.
E Dr. Jean D. Deupree Assistant Professor Research Development Award
Gift code: A502066
Description: Recipients of the award must have at least a 60% appointment in the Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Preference shall be given to promising independent
researchers who are working toward their first grants. Expendable Amounts may be used
for travel, equipment, lab staffing, academic development or any other research priorities,
and will only be available to assistant professors whose start-up package funds have
been fully expended.
E John and Julia Gawarecki Fellowship
Gift code: A502067
Description: This fund will provide fellowships to graduate students in the Department of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology, with preference given to those with financial need.
E Moore-Billman Scholarship in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Gift code: A502068
Description: Recipients must be Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Biotechnology majors and
have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
X Spartan BioInnovation Team Competition
Gift code: A5020680
Description: This fund provides support for student teams in national or international scientific
X Biochemistry Cystic Fibrosis Research Fund
Gift code: A5020681
Description: Research/Expendable.
X Biochemistry and Molecular Biology TEAM-UP Postdoctoral Scholar Fund
Gift code: A5020682
Description: Faculty/Expendable.
E Clarence Suelter Endowed Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Gift code: A5020683
Description: This endowment will provide funds to aid in recruiting and retaining outstanding postdoctoral
scientists to enhance the research of faculty in the Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology in the College of Natural Science.
E Willis A. Wood Research Innovation Award in Biochemistry
Gift code: A5020684
Description: Recipients will be selected on the basis of their particularly innovative discoveries,
with a preference given to methods and instrumentation, in support of the department's
research efforts. Undergraduate students, graduate students, post docs, and/or department
faculty members may all be eligible for the Award.
E Michael Burdick Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Scholarship
Gift code: A50207
Description: Recipients will be students majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with sophomore
status or above and a minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students indicating
an interest in pursuing a career in healthcare, including pharmaceutical research
and development. Preference will also be given to students who demonstrate financial
X Plant Innovation Fund
Gift code: A50208
Description: Expenditures will be used for discretionary needs related to plant innovation, which
include evolving ideas and practices which enhance the field of plant sciences. Student
scholarships and retreat/seminars may also be supported with this fund.
X Career Award for Mentoring in Unexplored Problems TEAM-UP Postdoctoral Award
Gift code: A50209
Description: Provides postdoc support for research that is not currently funded. Two or more faculty
members must mentor the postdoc.
E Andrea and Bill Smith Graduate Recruiting Endowment
Gift code: A50210
Description: Funds will be used to recruit accomplished, sought-after graduate students to the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
E William W. Wells Lectureship in Biochemistry
Gift code: A5022
Description: This endowment funds a lectureship for the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
E Biochemistry Enrichment Fund Endowment
Gift code: A5023
Description: Provides support to departmental projects, which may include, but are not limited
to: student awards, equipment purchases, faculty travel, research awards or other
E N. Edward Tolbert Endowed Lectureship in Plant Biochemistry
Gift code: A5024
Description: The endowment funds a lectureship in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
E Dr. Charles C. Sweeley Lectureship in Biochemistry
Gift code: A5026
Description: This fund supports the Sweeley Lectureship each year and consists of a lecture from
a prominent scientist in the field of biochemistry.
E R. Gaurth Hansen Lecture
Gift code: A5028
Description: The endowment supports a lectureship for the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology. Lectureship candidates will have received undergraduate research training
in the laboratory of a faculty member of the department, graduate research training
leading to the Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, or graduate training leading
to the Ph.D. in a program. Recipients must be within their first six years of a tenure
track appointment at an established academic institution, or in the equivalent early
stages of a career in a non-academic setting.
X Center for Biological Modeling
Gift code: A55
Description: The purpose of the Center is to foster interdisciplinary research between biological,
physical and computational sciences in modeling important biological processes. These
funds will support any aspect of this research.
E John A. Boezi Memorial Alumnus Award in Biochemistry
Gift code: AG0201
Description: Recipients will be selected based on the criteria of distinguished achievements in
the field of biochemistry.
X Department of Biochemistry Teaching and Research Enhancements Fund
Gift code: AG0202
Description: Expendable.
X Department of Chemistry
Gift code: A505
Description: Department discretionary fund.
E Thomas Alan Deline Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A50500
Description: The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Chemistry
and selected on the basis of work performed as part of a research project conducted
for credit, either as part of required coursework or independently under the direction
of a faculty member.
E Richard C. Nametz Memorial Endowed Award in Chemistry
Gift code: A50506
Description: Preference is given to those expressing an interest in fire retardant
chemistry. Recipients shall be selected on the basis of academic merit and commitment
to careers in the field of chemistry.
E Joseph Zichis Endowed Chair in Chemistry
Gift code: A50507
Description: This fund will support the Joseph Zichis Endowed Chair.
E Alumni Distinguished Lectureship Award
Gift code: A50508
Description: This fund was created by friends and alumni of the Department of Chemistry
to bring prominent scientists to visit the department for an extended time period.
During their visit, the Scientists will present either a series of lectures or participate
in regular instructional program of the department, and will interact with faculty
and students in a collegial atmosphere.
E Discretionary Endowment Fund for MSU Chemistry Department
Gift code: A5051
Description: Earnings shall be used to further the mission of the Department of Chemistry
by funding those programs, acquisitions and/or personnel deemed best to enhance the
X Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Learning Laboratory
Gift code: A50511
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E Chemistry Library Endowment Fund
Gift code: A50512
Description: Income from this endowment shall be used solely for the purchase of books
on or about Chemistry and other purchases essential to the -being of the Chemistry
X Department of Chemistry Fund
Gift code: A50513
Description: Departmental discretionary funds.
E Tulinsky Endowed Fund
Gift code: A50514
Description: This fund provides a graduate award for students enrolled in graduate
studies in Chemistry and studying a topic related to structural chemistry. Financial
need may be considered.
E Hershel Goren Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50515
Description: Recipients must be enrolled in Chemistry 419, Chemistry 400H or Chemistry
420 and have an outstanding academic record.
E Karabatsos Lectures Endowment Fund in the Chemical Sciences
Gift code: A50516
Description: The fund provides financial support of the Karabatsos Lectures and honors
the dedication and contributions of Professor Gerasimos J. Karabatsos to NMR spectroscopy
and the field of Organic Chemistry.
E Naomi and Donald Hack Distinguished Staff Award in Chemistry
Gift code: A50517
Description: Candidates will be assessed by the following criteria with the understanding
that all criteria may not be appropriate for each nomine: excellence in overall job
performance, above normal expectations; outstanding interpersonal skills and working
relationship that contribute to the climate and morale of departments; contributions
to the department or university as a whole that lead to improved efficiency or effectiveness;
valuable service to the department or university (committees, outreach, volunteer
E Rogowski Chemistry Graduate Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A50518
Description: The fellowship will be awarded to matriculating candidates to the graduate
program in the Department of Chemistry.
E Carl H. Brubaker, Jr. Endowed Fellowship Fund in the Chemical Sciences
Gift code: A5052
Description: Recipients shall be selected on the following basis: 1) enrolled in graduate
studies in the Department of Chemistry, 2) an outstanding academic record, 3) studying
a topic related to inorganic chemistry, 4) financial support may be considered.
E Hershel Goren Undergraduate Chemistry Scholarship
Gift code: A50520
Description: Recipients shall be of junior or senior status at the time of distribution
of the award majoring in Chemistry and have an outstanding academic record.
E Gerald T. Babcock Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Gift code: A50521
Description: This fund supports graduate students selected on the basis of previous
academic achievement, professional goals, and perceived research potential.
X Dow Chemical Chemistry Lectureship Fund
Gift code: A50523
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Ralph and Dorothy Bertolacini Chemistry Student Research Fund
Gift code: A50524
Description: This endowment is for the Department of Chemistry chairperson for enhancing
the attractiveness of departmental stipends to benefit graduate recruiting and providing
research grants to encourage undergraduate participation in individualized research
X General Chemistry Office Chemistry 142 Student Award
Gift code: A50525
Description: This award is intended to encourage students who have demonstrated the
capacity to achieve educational and professional goals, the motivation to achieve
these goals and the initiative to seek opportunities to further their progress. Recipients
shall be selected on the basis of top three point totals achieved in Chemistry 142
in the spring semester.
X General Chemistry Office Chemistry 141 Student Award
Gift code: A50526
Description: This award is intended to encourage students who have demonstrated the
capacity to achieve educational and professional goals, the motivation to achieve
these goals and the initiative to seek opportunities to further their progress. Recipients
shall be selected on the basis of top three point totals achieved in Chemistry 141
in the fall semester.
E Dr. Ronald Goldsberry MSU Black Alumni Chemistry Graduate Award
Gift code: A50528
Description: This endowment recognizes graduate students who have demonstrated a commitment
to enhancing diversity in science through excellence in teaching of chemistry to underrepresented
undergraduate students at MSU.
E Dr. Gordon L. Galloway Memorial Endowment for Chemistry Teaching
Gift code: A50529
Description: This fund recognizes post-doctoral candidates whose major teaching interests
are in the area of general chemistry. A qualified candidate must have already been
awarded a Ph.D. in Chemistry or Chemical Education or will be awarded a Ph.D. in the
semester preceding the start of their teaching contract.
E Gordon L. Galloway Endowed Distinguished Lectureship Fund in Chemistry
Gift code: A5053
Description: This fund is available to Chemistry teachers from small colleges. Preference
may be given to applicants from institutions that have been targeted by the MSU Department
of Chemistry as vital to their recruitment efforts, particularly with respect to minorities
and to women.
E Edmund P. DePalma Endowment in Support of Undergraduate Chemistry Education
Gift code: A50530
Description: This endowment will support undergraduate chemistry education. Funds
may be used for undergraduate student scholarships, upgrading lab facilities where
undergraduates pursue coursework and purchasing equipment that undergraduates will
E David and Sara Taft Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry
Gift code: A50532
Description: Expenditures from the endowment will support graduate fellowships in
organic chemistry or in areas of biotechnology within the Department of Chemistry.
Rewards are specifically designated for students who have already completed their
first year of graduate study.
E Drs. Matthew and Mary Ellen Zabik Natural Science Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry
Gift code: A50533
Description: Recipients shall be students who graduated from a U.S. high school pursing
a Ph.D. or masters degree with thesis in the Department of Chemistry.
E Taita Chemical Company & Otto Cheng Endowed Fellowship
Gift code: A50534
Description: Recipients will be Ph.D. chemistry graduate students working on thesis
projects in the area of polymer science and technology.
E H. Bradford Thompson and Jane E. Thompson Summer Research Endowment
Gift code: A50537
Description: The award is to provide stipends for undergraduate students participating
in research under the guidance of chemistry faculty during summers. A student might
be expected to participate in seminars and research group meetings as the faculty
member feels appropriate.
E Dr. Richard I. Jackson - Department of Chemistry Discretionary Fund
Gift code: A50538
Description: The endowment income will be used for needs within the Department of
Chemistry at the discretion of the chairperson.
E Bradford-Adams Endowed Scholarship for Chemistry
Gift code: A50539
Description: Preference shall be given to students majoring in Chemistry who are maintaining
a GPA of at least 3.0 and who are gainfully employed at least part-time.
E Department of Chemistry Alumni Leadership Spartan Cornerstone Scholarship Challenge
Gift code: A50540
Description: This endowment supports students pursuing a graduate degree in the Department of
Chemistry and who are eligible to participate in federal need-based financial programs.
E Marjorie Lesher Hunt Chemistry Scholarship
Gift code: A50541
Description: This scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate junior or senior student majoring
in Chemistry. Preference will be given to applicants who have an overall GPA of 3.0
or higher and demonstrate financial need.
E Greg L. Baker, Ph.D. Memorial Lectureship
Gift code: A50543
Description: This lectureship is to be held in the Chemistry Department each year and consist of at least one lecture from one or more prominent scientists in the field of Chemistry or chemically-related science.
F William E. Marklewitz Undergraduate Scholarship and Research Endowment in Chemistry
Gift code: A50544
Description: Recipients must be pursuing a degree in chemistry. Preference will be
given to students who have achieved sophomore status and who have earned a 3.0 GPA.
X Department of Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50545
Description: All Graduates / Expendable.
F John Witt, Jr. and Margaret R. Witt Chemistry Endowment
Gift code: A50546
Description: Expenditures will be used to support the Department of Chemistry through
qualified research or specific programmatic needs that provide the greatest impact
in elevating the department as a leader in excellence, including, but not limited
to education, mentorship, research and communication.
E Robert and Carol Taller Endowed Fund in the Chemical Sciences
Gift code: A50547
Description: This fund supports the creation of an endowed fellowship in the Department
of Chemistry. Recipients will be graduate students majoring in organic chemistry.
E Carl H. Brubaker, Jr. Professorship
Gift code: A50548
Description: The Department of Chemistry in the College of Natural Science, or its
future successor MSU unit, if any, will identify candidates for the professorship
according to its practices and procedures for the selection of such faculty in effect
at the time of the selection. The Dean of the College of Natural Science, subject
to the approval of the Office of the Provost, will select the individual to be named
the Carl H. Brubaker, Jr. Professor.
E Jeffrey N. and Betty A. Smith Student Award in Chemistry
Gift code: A50549
Description: Graduate students pursuing an advanced degree offered in the Department
of Chemistry who are in good academic standing will be eligible for this award. In
the event there are no qualified graduate students, junior and senior level undergraduate
students pursing a degree offered in the Department of Chemistry with a minimum GPA
of 3.0 will be considered.
E Harold Hart Endowed Fellowship in the Chemical Sciences
Gift code: A5055
Description: Recipients must have completed two years of graduate study in chemistry
and must be studying a topic related to organic chemistry. Financial need may be considered
and they must have an outstanding academic record.
X Harold Hart Portrait Fund
Gift code: A50550
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E John Wettaw Chemistry Scholarship
Gift code: A50551
Description: This fund will support undergraduate Scholarships for students majoring
in chemistry.
E David R. Whitfield Green Chemistry Award
Gift code: A50552
Description: Award recipients will be graduate students pursuing an advanced degree
in the Department of Chemistry. Preference will be given to students whose area of
study is focused on green chemistry. Additional preference will be given to students
who demonstrate a passion for the outdoors through current or past experiences, such
as but not limited to: extracurricular activities, employment, volunteer opportunities,
and/or a personal statement.
E Reed-Gertenbach Endowed Professor in Chemistry
Gift code: A50554
Description: Preference will be given to applicants whose area of study is analytical
chemistry with research interests in the life sciences. A second preference will be
given to someone with a research interest in physical science in chemistry.
E James L. Dye Endowment in Chemical Sciences
Gift code: A5056
Description: Recipients must be enrolled in graduate studies in the Department of
Chemistry. Financial need may be considered. Must have an outstanding academic record.
E James L. Dye Endowed Chair in Materials Chemistry
Gift code: A50561
Description: This fund supports an endowed faculty position in materials chemistry.
E Thomas J. Pinnavaia Fellowship in Inorganic Chemistry
Gift code: A505620
Description: The Fellowship shall be awarded to Ph.D. students majoring in inorganic
E John J. Sculati Discretionary Endowed Fund for the MSU Chemistry Department
Gift code: A5058
Description: The fund shall be made available to the chairperson of the Department
of Chemistry for use to advance and benefit the department.
E Max T. Rogers Lectureship Fund
Gift code: A5059
Description: This lectureship is to be held in the Chemistry Department and consist
of three lectures from a prominent scientist in the field of chemistry or chemically-related
Gift code: A507
Description: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences discretionary fund.
X Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Student Travel Fund
Gift code: A5070
Description: Other / Expendable.
X Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Speaker Series Fund
Gift code: A507001
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E Wayne B. and Marian R. Henderson Scholarship
Gift code: A50702
Description: Choose among top 3 candidates in geological sciences not receiving any
other academic based award.
X Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Paleontology Fund
Gift code: A50707
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X Hydrogeology
Gift code: A50708
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A5071
Description: All Graduates / Expendable.
E Lucile Drake Pringle and Gordon H. Pringle Endowed Fellowship
Gift code: A50711
Description: Recipients shall be undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Geological
Sciences and selected on a basis of academic achievement and professional goals.
E Warren W. and Anneliese C. Wood Undergraduate Research Fund
Gift code: A50713
Description: This fund provides support for undergraduate student-led research projects
under the guidance and supervision of faculty members in the Department of Geological
E Graham Ryder Memorial Fund
Gift code: A507132
Description: Candidates shall be engaged in research in geological science, environmental
geoscience, or paleobiology. Selection shall be on the basis of previous academic
achievement, professional goals, and perceived research potential.
E Department of Geological Sciences Alumni Leadership Spartan Cornerstone Scholarship
Gift code: A507134
Description: This endowment will support students who are pursuing a graduate degree
in Geological Sciences and who are eligible to participate in federal need-based financial
aid programs.
E Geological Sciences Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A507135
Description: This fund will enable the Department of Geological Sciences to attract
outstanding young scientists and give them the independence they need to develop strong
careers in geology. Funds will cover tuition, stipends and travel/research support.
E Department of Geological Sciences Endowed Professorship (A)
Gift code: A507136
Description: Faculty / Endowment.
E Geological Sciences Endowed Professorship (B)
Gift code: A507137
Description: Faculty / Endowment.
E Geological Sciences Endowed Professorship (C)
Gift code: A507138
Description: Faculty / Endowment.
E Harley N. Hotchkiss Fund for Geological Sciences
Gift code: A507139
Description: This endowment will provide discretionary resources to make strategic
investments in geological science education and research.
E Dr. Aureal T. Cross Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Gift code: A50714
Description: This endowment is to be used by the Department of Geological Sciences,
to offer funding as the Department Chair deems appropriate for enhancing the attractiveness
of department stipends to benefit graduate recruiting and/or provide grants to support
individualized geological science graduate summer research projects. Preference will
be given to students whose interests are in paleobiology, stratigraphy or related
F Mary Jane and Raymond C. Perry, Jr. Geology Research Fund
Gift code: A507140
Description: This endowment will be used to support research in the Department of
Geological Sciences at the discretion of its Chairperson.
E Department of Geological Sciences Discretionary Endowment
Gift code: A507141
Description: This endowment will provide discretionary funds to ensure the Department
has the flexibility to maximize opportunities.
E Anna Lee Flory Endowed Memorial Fund
Gift code: A507142
Description: This scholarship will support students majoring in the College of Natural
Science Department of Geological Sciences to support participation in intensive geology-related
field study. Preference will be given to students who graduate from Hudsonville High
School, Hudsonville, Michigan.
E The Thomas R. Taylor and Margo Sackheim Geological Sciences Lecture Endowment
Gift code: A507144
Description: Expendable Amounts will be used to allow the department to bring in respected
faculty from other universities and industry that are doing exceptional research and
development that will enhance the professional development of faculty and students.
E John and Betty Snyder Endowment for Geological Sciences
Gift code: A507145
Description: Expenditures from the Endowment will be used to support the Department
of Geological Sciences. At the discretion of its chairperson, with approval of the
Dean of the College of Natural Science, Expendable Amounts may be used for, but not
be limited to, support graduate student and faculty recruitment; student travel to
present at meetings or conduct research; support for visiting speakers; or other needs.
This endowment is intended to provide flexible support to the Department and have
a significant impact on its academic and research missions.
F Deborah J. Remer Field Work Scholarship Endowment Fund for the Department of Earth
and Environmental Sciences
Gift code: A507146
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for undergraduate students with
financial need for expenses related to field work.
X Max Anderson Earth and Environmental Sciences Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A507147
Description: Recipients shall be of Junior or Senior status, by the time the scholarship is awarded, majoring in geological or environmental science and demonstrate a desire and the interest to succeed in his/her chosen field.
E Max L. Anderson Earth and Environmental Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A507148
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for juniors or seniors majoring
in geological sciences, environmental geoscience, or earth and environmental science
with desire to succeed in chosen field. Preference will be given to those with financial
F Erin A. Lynch Scholarship in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Gift code: A507149
Description: Recipients will be undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree
in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences with a GPA of 3.0 or above.
Preference will be given to students with demonstrated potential to succeed through
their involvement in extracurricular activities, employment, and/or a personal statement.
It is the donor’s desire that emphasis be placed on a student's work ethic, passion
for caring for the earth and tenacity over academic achievement.
E Geology Endowed Field Study Fund
Gift code: A50717
Description: This endowment will fund class field trips, geology field camp and student
field work experiences which are among the most distinctive and expensive experiences
shared by students in the Geological Sciences.
E Geology of the Solid Earth Endowed Fund
Gift code: A50718
Description: This fund supports a regular, tenure-track external faculty candidate
recruited to occupy the Endowed Chair in Geology.
E John T. Wilband Memorial Scholarship in Geological Sciences
Gift code: A50719
Description: The scholarships will be awarded to students majoring in the Department
of Geological Sciences who will be participating in a department sponsored field camp
E Department of Geological Sciences Endowment Fund
Gift code: A5072
Description: This endowment ensures a certain amount of guaranteed support for departmental
projects. Such projects will include library holdings, travel to conferences for the
purpose of giving scientific papers, student travel both to conference and field trips
and encouragement of research activities in general.
F Thomas H. and Catherine S. Mall Endowed Discretionary Fund
Gift code: A50721
Description: The endowment will be used for the Department of Geological Sciences
purposes to invest resources in educational and research opportunities related to
the petroleum industry.
X Clay and Nancy Hunter Geology Field Camp Award
Gift code: A50723
Description: Undergraduate students pursuing a degree offered in the Department of
Earth and Environmental Sciences who are enrolled in the Field Geology - Summer Camp
course, or future successor equivalent course, will be eligible for this award
E Central Michigan Lapidary and Mineral Society Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50724
Description: Juniors or seniors pursuing a degree offered in the Department of Earth
and Environmental Sciences will be eligible for this award. Preference will be given
to students who meet one or more of the following criteria in order or priority:
1. Residents of the State of Michigan.
2. Students who have demonstrated an interest in the fields of mineralogy, paleontology, and geology as indicated through completed coursework, extracurricular activities, or a personal statement.
Expendable Amounts may be used to support the cost of attendance for qualifying recipients; however, preference is to support participation in a Department sponsored field experience. These recipients will be selected, and awards made prior to the field experience.
E Dr. Ronald Hill Family Endowment for Experiential Learning in Earth and Environmental
Gift code: A50725
Description: Funds will support field trips and experiential learning for undergraduate
X Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A5074
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X James W. Trow Geological Science Laboratory Renovation Fund
Gift code: A5075
Description: Building / Facilities
E Neal Research and Scholarship Endowment for the Department of Geological Sciences
Gift code: A5076
Description: The fund may be expended by the department chairperson in the following
priority: undergraduate student scholarship, graduate fellowships or technology enhancements.
E Harley Hotchkiss Geosciences Research Endowment
Gift code: A5077
Description: Funds support student and faculty research in the Department of Geological
E Harley and Rebecca Hotchkiss Endowed Chair's Discretionary Fund for Geological Sciences
Gift code: A50770
Description: The endowment will be used for department purposes at the discretion
of its Chairperson.
E Jeffrey Boettcher Fund for Field Study in Biology
Gift code: A51400
Description: Expendable amounts shall be used to fund qualified off campus studies,
including travel costs, tuition, room and board, materials and supplies, fees, and
miscellaneous expenses.
X Hyena Research Fund
Gift code: A51410
Description: Research / Expendable.
F Lee R. and Jane A. Schwocho Fellowship Award for Fisheries Biology Research
Gift code: A514110
Description: This fund provides support to graduate students studying some aspect
of fish biology, conservation, ecology, or a similar area. Preference shall be given
to students working on projects or research related to fish and fishing related subjects
relevant to Michigan or Northeast U.S. waters.
E Kathleen M. Franz Zoo and Aquarium Internship Scholarship
Gift code: A514111
Description: Funds will provide internship scholarship support for promising students
who evidence potential with preference given to students with financial need who would
have to take out a loan or work a second job to pay for this experience.
F Carl Lindquist Endowed Research Professorship
Gift code: A514112
Description: The Professorship will be awarded to current or new faculty who exemplify
leadership and excellence in research and teaching in the field of Integrative Biology.
F Carl Lindquist Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
Gift code: A514113
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for undergraduate students in
their junior or senior year who intend to earn a degree in the Integrative Biology
Department. Preference will be given to students who are transferring to MSU from
a ‘junior’ or ‘community’ college. Special preference will be given to those students
transferring from out-of-state, specifically the state of Illinois. Applicants will
demonstrate a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale, 4.0 on a 5-point scale or demonstrate
grades within the top 20% of their class or higher at MSU or at the institution they
are transferring from.
F David H. Krause Integrative Biology Endowed Professorship
Gift code: A51412
Description: Preference for faculty who teach an undergraduate course.
E Dr. Marvin Hensley Endowed Scholarship Fund in Zoology
Gift code: A5143
Description: This fund supports undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the
Department of Zoology.
F John T. and Helen M. Snider Endowed Professorship
Gift code: A5145
Description: The Professorship will be awarded to a regular, tenure-track faculty
candidate. This position will include teaching, research, and/or administration of
zoo and aquarium sciences based in the Department of Zoology.
F Mr. and Mrs. Barbara J. Frey and Nicholas R. Thines Zoo Internship Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A5146
Description: Recipients must have reached junior or senior status in the Zoo and Aquarium
concentration and have at least three quarters of major requirements completed. Preference
shall be given to students who demonstrate sound academic achievement and excellent
learning skills.
E John R. Shaver, Ph.D. Graduate Student Fund in Zoology
Gift code: A5147
Description: The income will support graduate studies in the Department of Zoology
as determined by the Chairperson. Expenditures may include, but are not limited to,
supplementary or summer stipends, graduate student travel, and research supplies.
F John A. King Award for Research in Animal Behavior
Gift code: A51470
Description: This Award provides support for a graduate student in the Department
of Integrative Biology. The award may take the form of a graduate fellowship, graduate
assistantship, or other graduate funding as deemed appropriate. Awards may assist
with tuition, stipends, travel, research and other allowable expenses. Preference
will be given to students who specialize in behavioral, ecological or systematic research
on animals.
F Joseph John Hauser Endowed Department of Zoology Strategic Initiatives
Gift code: A5148
Description: The endowment will be used for the Department of Zoology purposes at
the discretion of its Chairperson.
E The Richard and Susan Hill Fund for Instructional Field Study
Gift code: A5149
Description: Expendable amounts will be used to support undergraduate instructional
field experiences conducted under the leadership of faculty members. Strong preference
will be given to instructional field experiences taking place in the United States
or Canada.
E George J. Wallace and Martha C. Wallace Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: AG1700
Description: Recipients shall be graduate students, or advanced undergraduate students,
with exceptional academic records and pursuing a Master's or Doctorial level research
program in Ornithology. Preference will be given to specialties in Behavioral, Ecological
or Systematic research on birds.
Gift code: A508
Description: Department of Mathematics discretionary fund.
E J.S. Frame Excellence in Teaching Award Fund
Gift code: A50800
Description: Funds shall be used to grant one or more awards for teaching excellence
in the Department of Mathematics.
E Fritz Herzog Prize Endowment
Gift code: A50802
Description: Recipients must be undergraduate students who compete in a math examination
that is held the first Saturday of each November.
E Mathematics Endowed Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A50803
Description: Annual interest income supports scholarships and fellowships. It could
also fund visiting lecturers; summer research experiences for students; outreach programs
to K-12 students; seed money for worthy student or faculty research project; and materials
for the Mathematics Library.
E L. C. Plant Scholarship
Gift code: A50804
Description: Recipients shall be mathematics majors and deemed worthy on the basis
of scholarship, interest in mathematics and helpfulness to the departments.
E McCartney Endowed Educational Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A50805
Description: The fund brings a preeminent visiting scholar to campus for a special
lecture; recruit or retain a promising student; and fund a student's summer research
X Department of Mathematics Library Fund
Gift code: A50806
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Harold and Helen Tolles Discretionary Endowment Fund
Gift code: A50807
Description: The earnings shall be made available to the Chair of the Department of
Mathematics for use to advance the Department.
E Dr. Paul and Wilma Dressel Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A50809
Description: Recipients will be selected on basis of academic achievement, professional
goals, financial need and majoring in Mathematics.
X Dr. William Fitzgerald Mathematics Education Award
Gift code: A50810
Description: Undergrad/Expendable.
E R. E. Phillips Memorial Scholarship
Gift code: A50811
Description: Preference shall be given to students majoring in mathematics and recipients
will be selected on the basis of class standing, professional goals. Consideration
will be given to financial need.
E Jan and Jirina Marik Fund for Mathematics
Gift code: A50812
Description: Recipients shall be selected on a basis of continuing education or research
in the area of real variables and functional analysis mathematics according to the
department procedures for selecting recipients. This award can be renewable for the
duration of the student’s enrollment at MSU.
X Professional Masters Program in Industrial Mathematics
Gift code: A50813
Description: Unrestricted / Expendable.
E Douglas A. Spragg Endowed Fellowship in Mathematics
Gift code: A508151
Description: This fellowship is awarded to graduate students in Mathematics.
X Department of Mathematics MCIAM Gore Fund
Gift code: A508152
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
X Department of Mathematics Chair Discretionary Fund
Gift code: A508154
Description: Unrestricted/Expendable.
F James P. Conlon Endowed Mathematics Scholarship
Gift code: A508155
Description: This endowment is awarded to a junior or senior majoring in Mathematics.
E Kindle Mathematics Endowed Fund
Gift code: A508156
Description: The endowment will be used for the Department of Mathematics at the discretion
of its chairperson for purposes including classroom and instructional resources.
F Carol Angela Desjardins Scholarship Fund in Mathematics
Gift code: A508157
Description: This scholarship supports students who exhibit an open, curious, creative
approach to education and ideas and intellectual ingenuity.
F Weil Family Endowment for the Advancement of Mathematics at Michigan State University
Gift code: A508161
Description: Expendable amounts may be used in support of, but not limited to, the
following research and/or program areas: The Real Analysis Exchange or a similar program,
support for faculty or graduate students involved in research on real or functional
analysis, and the promotion of programs used for the production of technical and scientific
documentation (such as the LaTeX program).
E Dr. William L. Harkness Endowed Fellowship in Mathematics
Gift code: A508162
Description: Fellowship support for graduate students in good standing who are enrolled
in the Mathematics department.
E Van Haften Endowed Professorship in Deductive Literacy
Gift code: A508163
Description: Expendable amounts will be used to establish an endowed professorship
that supports research excellence in mathematics and innovation in instructional techniques
promulgating deductive reasoning in the undergraduate curriculum.
E Dr. Marshall and Barbara Hestenes Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
Gift code: A508164
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for junior or senior undergraduate
mathematics majors who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement by maintaining
a high GPA.
F Gregory L. Caucutt Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A508165
Description: Qualified applicants will be undergraduate students majoring in Mathematics
and actively enrolled in the Honors College, or any successor MSU unit, with demonstrated
financial need.
E Jerry Gibson Lectureship-Real Analysis Exchange
Gift code: A50818
Description: The local organizers of the Summer Symposium in Real Analysis, in consultation
with the Managing Editors of the Real Analysis Exchange, will select the Jerry Gibson
Lecturer for that year. The lecture should be identified both in the scientific program
and in the proceedings of the conference.
X Center for Geometry and Topology
Gift code: A50820
Description: Unrestricted/Expendable.
E Sottile Family Endowed Scholarship
Gift code: A50822
Description: Undergraduate students in good academic standing pursuing a degree offered
in the Department of Mathematics will be eligible for this award. Preference will
be given to eligible students who demonstrate financial need.
F Douglas A. Spragg Professorship in Mathematics
Gift code: A50823
Description: Funds will support an endowed professorship in the Department of Mathematics.
X Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Gift code: A509
Description: Department discretionary fund.
E William Sayer Scholarship
Gift code: A5090
Description: The Department of Microbiology have chosen the payment of membership
dues to the American Society for Microbiology and obtaining subscriptions to various
journals (i.e., ASM News, Journal of Microbiology, and Journal of Virology) as the
form of a scholarship they wish to give.
E Russell Duvall Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50900
Description: Recipients will be selected based on financial need and be undergraduate
seniors or graduate students in Microbiology & Molecular Genetics.
E Ronald and Sharon Rogowski Fellowship for Food Safety and Toxicology
Gift code: A50909
Description: Recipients shall be engaged in research in the area of food safety and
toxicology, and be selected on the basis of previous academic achievement, professional
goals, and perceived research potential.
X Microbiology Opportunities Fund
Gift code: A5091
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Rudolph Hugh Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50910
Description: The scholarship shall be awarded to Ph.D. candidates after successful
completion of the first year of required didactic curriculum and will be based on
past academic excellence and future potential expectation. The scholarship shall be
awarded to scholars engaged in laboratory research related to molecular pathogenesis
of bacteria or the systematic study of phenotypic and genotypic characters of bacterial
strains of species associated with infectious diseases to reveal the predictive capacity
of characters and the diversity of species.
E Professor Rudolph Hugh Endowed Chair
Gift code: A509101
Description: Supports an endowed faculty position in the Department of Microbiology
and Molecular Genetics.
F Carter Endowment for Immunology and Infectious Disease Research
Gift code: A509102
Description: All expendable amounts shall be used to promote and expand research within
the fields of Immunology an Infectious Diseases.
E Dr. Thomas S. Whittam Graduate Student Award
Gift code: A5091041
Description: Preference shall be given to graduate students based on the quality and
quantity of their research in the general area of pathogenesis, evolution, or ecology
of pathogens.
E Norman E. and Hanna C. Kelker Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Honor of Harold
and Gertrude Sadoff
Gift code: A5091042
Description: This fund provides scholarship support for deserving and capable students
doing undergraduate research in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics.
E The Ralph Evans Award
Gift code: A5091043
Description: Expendable Amounts shall be used to support awards for postdoctoral researchers
or senior graduate students for making important contributions to the understanding
of microbial evolution and its underlying ecological and genetic processes. Awardees
may not be appointed in MMG, but they should work with a faculty member who has at
least a partial appointment in MMG.
X Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Early Career Lecture Award
Gift code: A5091044
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E Richard M. and Susan S. Van Frank Undergraduate Research Fund
Gift code: A5091045
Description: Funds from this endowment will be used to support undergraduate research
within the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. Expendable amounts from
this endowment will support and enhance undergraduate research programs and experiences.
E Michele M. Fluck Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Enhancement Endowment
Gift code: A5091046
Description: This endowment will be used to support the Department of Microbiology
and Molecular Genetics at the discretion of its chairperson.
F C. Donald Powers Microbiology Fellowship Endowment
Gift code: A509105
Description: Recipients will be graduate students in the Department of Microbiology
and Molecular Genetics.
E Dr. Amber Cody Springman Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Microbiology & Molecular
Genetics Research
Gift code: A509106
Description: Preference shall be given to undergraduate students who will have achieved
Junior or Senior status in the Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics by
the beginning of the semester in which the award will become effective and who are
engaged in undergraduate research.
E Theodore P. and Alice J. Rykala Scholarship Fund in Microbiology
Gift code: A509107
Description: Scholarship recipients must be students enrolled in the Department of
Microbiology & Molecular Genetics. Recipients shall demonstrate financial need as
determined by the Federal Government according to its policies and procedures. The
scholarship is renewable for up to four (4) years at the discretion of the College.
X Tuberculosis Research Fund
Gift code: A509108
Description: Research / Expendable.
X Microbiology Pythium Fund
Gift code: A509109
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Dr. Marvis A. Richardson Endowed Fellowship Fund in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Gift code: A50911
Description: Recipients shall be enrolled in graduate studies in Microbiology and
have an outstanding academic record. The donor wishes to encourage qualified persons
who have traditionally not pursued the study of immunology to apply for the fellowship.
X Long-Term Evolution Experiment Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A509110
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Robert R. Brubaker Lectureship
Gift code: A509111
Description: Expenditures from the endowment will be used to support a Lectureship.
The Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics will identify qualified speakers
or specific programmatic needs to fund with expendable amounts, according to its practices
and procedures in effect at that time. Preference will be given to a speaker who is
an internationally recognized scientist in the field of bacterial pathogenesis. Expendable
amounts may be used to support, but are not limited to, the cost of the speaker’s
travel, honorarium, meals, etc.
E Dietrich C. Bauer Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A509112
Description: This fund will be awarded annually by the Department of Microbiology
and Molecular Genetics to one or more deserving junior or senior students requiring
financial assistance.
E Dr. Frank Peabody Microbiology Student Research Fund
Gift code: A50912
Description: Recipients majoring in NatSci shall be selected on a basis of previous
academic achievement, professional goals, perceived research potential, and/or financial
E Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Enhancement Endowment
Gift code: A50913
Description: The endowment will be used for the Department of Microbiology and Molecular
Genetics purposes at the discretion of its Chairperson.
E G.D. Edith Hsiung and Margaret E. Kimball Endowed Scholarship in Microbiology
Gift code: A5092
Description: Recipients must possess the potential to succeed in chosen field. Preference
is given to students whose academic and research interests are in either clinical
virology or bacteriology.
E Gloss Undergraduate Research Award in Microbiology
Gift code: A5095
Description: Candidates for this award must be majors in the Department of Microbiology,
in good academic standing and U.S. citizens. The applicant must have prior successful
research laboratory experience; have identified a faculty sponsor who will assist
in defining a research project; and submit a brief description of the research project
to be conducted during the award period by the application deadline publicized each
spring. Freshman and Sophomores who have already acquired some research experience
will especially be encouraged to apply.
X Gloss Undergraduate Expendable Research Award
Gift code: A50950
Description: Undergraduate / Expendable.
E Eleanor L. Gilmore Endowed Excellence Fund in Microbiology for the College of Natural
Gift code: A5097
Description: The fund supports research and scholarships for faculty and students,
including the purchase of equipment and laboratory enhancement, as conducted by the
Department of Microbiology.
E Berttina B. Wentworth Endowed Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A5098
Description: Recipients shall be selected on the basis of the applicant's prior academic
record and acceptance to the graduate program in microbiology. The recipient shall
pursue a graduate research program in medical microbiology, immunology or virology.
E Dr. Marvis A. Richardson Endowed Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A5099
Description: Recipients must be enrolled in graduate studies in Microbiology and have
outstanding academic records. The donor wishes to encourage qualified women to pursue
study of immunology.
Gift code: A510
Description: Department of Physics and Astronomy discretionary fund.
X Undergraduate Programs and Awards
Gift code: A51003
Description: Student / Expendable.
X Condensed Matter Physics
Gift code: A51004
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
X Nuclear Physics
Gift code: A51005
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E Gerard and Margaret Crawley Family Fund
Gift code: A510050
Description: Recipients will be graduate students in the Department of Physics and
Astronomy including, but not exclusively, the NSCL, FRIB or successor organization.
To be eligible for the award, internships will be related to nuclear energy institutions
such as a University or national laboratory in the US or overseas. If in any given
year there are no qualified applicants for the nuclear energy internship, available
funds may be used towards a research internship for students studying climate change.
Expendable Amounts may support travel expenses, living expenses, or other expenses
incurred during the experience.
X High Energy Physics
Gift code: A51006
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X Physics Initiatives Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A51008
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
E Dr. Thomas H. Osgood Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching
Gift code: A51009
Description: Two awards will be given each year. One award shall be made to an active
tenured faculty member of the Department of Physics & Astronomy or, in exceptional
case, to one recently retired or declared emeritus. The other award shall be made
to a non-tenured person teaching in the department's program or in a project overseen
by and related to the Department as an extension of its program.
X SOAR Telescope Fund
Gift code: A51012
Description: Other / Expendable.
E Jerry Cowen Endowed Chair of Experimental Physics
Gift code: A51014
Description: The fund shall support the Jerry Cowen Endowed Chair of Experimental
Physics and the Jerry Cowen Chair of Physics. The Chairs will be awarded to a regular,
tenure-track faculty members who will be selected for demonstrated excellence in physics
research and anticipated promise for creative teaching based in the Department of
Physics and Astronomy.
E Lawrence W. Hantel Endowed Fellowship Fund In Memory of Professor Donald J. Montgomery
Gift code: A51015
Description: Recipients shall be selected on the basis of good academic standing and
demonstrated enthusiasm and strong interest in participating in undergraduate research.
Preference will be given to students majoring in Physics or Chemical Engineering.
E Carl L. Foiles Physics Student Award
Gift code: A51016
Description: Recipients shall be selected on the basis of being in the top 20% of
their respective class as determined by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at
either the undergraduate or graduate level with aspirations of professional goals
to teach and conduct research in Physics.
E Dr. Henry (Hank) Blosser and Dr. Milton E. Muelder Endowed Lectureship
Gift code: A51017
Description: This endowment is to be used for the purpose of supporting an annual
special invited lecture in accelerator physics, nuclear physics, particle physics,
or astrophysics, subject to the approval of the Chair of the Department of Physics
and Astronomy or Chair designee.
E Physics and Society Endowed Lectureship Fund
Gift code: A5102
Description: The endowment will fund a lectureship in the Department of Physics and
X Physics and Society Expendable Lectureship Fund
Gift code: A51020
Description: Programmable / Expendable.
E Jenny H. Krauss and Otto F. Krauss Charitable Foundation Trust Distinguished Fellowship
Gift code: A51022
Description: This fund supports a graduate student with demonstrated financial need.
Recipients must have a high grade point average and be studying in the field of high
energy physics.
F Richard and Patricia Wagner Endowed Professorship
Gift code: A51023
Description: These funds will be used to support faculty who form the elements of
a cohesive team to launch a venture into innovative interdisciplinary research that
can make unique contributions beyond the usual realms of physics.
F Richard and Patricia Wagner Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Gift code: A51024
Description: Supports graduate students who have a basic grounding in physics pursuing
interdisciplinary work and studies where they can make unique contributions beyond
the usual realms of physics.
F Richard and Patricia Wagner Research Endowment
Gift code: A51025
Description: This endowment will leverage additional resources to support interdisciplinary
research beyond the usual realm of physics.
F Richard and Patricia Wagner Endowed Distinguished Lectureship
Gift code: A51026
Description: Expenditures from this endowment will support the Richard and Patricia
Wagner Endowed Distinguished Lectureship hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
F Richard and Patricia Wagner Endowed Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Gift code: A51027
Description: The recipient will have the opportunity to work in the laboratory of
a tenured faculty member to ensure exposure to hands-on experimental physics. If the
student is successful in getting results from their laboratory research, a portion
of the interest income may be used for travel to professional conferences to present
these findings. The hope is that this endowment serves to attract females into the
field of experimental physics.
E Dr. Bruce VerWest Award Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Gift code: A51028
Description: The endowment supports an annual prize to recognize excellent academic
performance with strong consideration for research participation to a student who
will be entering his/her senior year.
F Marc Conlin Endowment
Gift code: A51029
Description: Expenditures from the endowment will be used at the discretion of its
Chairperson for the benefit of the support (no-academic) staff in the Department of
Physics and Astronomy, including such things as a distinguished staff award and professional
E Physics-Astronomy Endowment Fund
Gift code: A51030
Description: The income will be spent at the discretion of the department chairperson.
E Jenny H. Krauss and Otto F. Krauss Charitable Foundation Trust Fellowship Fund
Gift code: A51032
Description: This fund supports a graduate student with demonstrated financial need.
Recipients must have a high grade point average and be majoring in physics.
E Peter A. Schroeder Physics Fellowship
Gift code: A51033
Description: The fellowship will be awarded to a M.S. or Ph.D. student of the Department
of Physics and Astronomy who is a US citizen or permanent resident majoring in condensed
matter physics. Preference is for students inclined to work in industry, not academia.
E Larry L. Burton Ph.D. Fund for Physics
Gift code: A51034
Description: Expenditures from the endowment will be used to support the Department
of Physics and Astronomy purposes at the discretion of its Chairperson or for future
successor MSU unit.
E Physics and Astronomy Student Assistantships Fund
Gift code: A51035
Description: Graduate/Endowment.
E The Cowen Family Fellowship
Gift code: A51036
Description: The Cowen Endowed Fellowship will be used to attract the best graduate
students to work with the faculty member(s) recognized as the Jerry Cowen Endowed
Chair. In the event the Jerry Cowen Endowed Chair position(s) are vacant or the chair
holders(s) have sufficient research support to cover the cost of their graduate students,
the Department of Physics may use the Expendable Amounts from the endowment to support
outstanding graduate students who would work with other faculty members in Physics.
X Wu-Ki Tung Award Fund
Gift code: A51037
Description: Graduates / Expendable.
E Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research
Gift code: A510370
Description: This fund will support early career research in experimental or theoretical
research on Quantum Chromodynamics by supporting travel to a Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental
Project (CTEQ) summer school.
F Gregers Hansen Endowed Fellowship
Gift code: A510371
Description: Preference will be given to graduate students who are making excellent
progress on their dissertations and those who are doing experimental work in physics.
Additional preference may be given to graduate students doing work that helps connect
experiment and theory.
F Marc S. Conlin Physics and Astronomy Graduate Fellowship
Gift code: A51038
Description: Awards may cover tuition, stipends, travel/research support, and other
allowable expenses.
E C. Konrad Gelbke Graduate Research Award
Gift code: A51039
Description: Will be used to establish an advanced graduate seminar. Seminar topics
must be different from ongoing graduate student thesis topics. Students competing
for the award will select a topic, research the literature and prepare a formal public
presentation of 45 minute duration that will be judged by the award recipient selection
E Dr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Parker Graduate Fellowship in Physics
Gift code: A51040
Description: This fellowship provides support for a graduate student in the Department
of Physics and Astronomy. Expendable amounts may also be used to support a graduate
assistantship. Awards may cover tuition, stipends, travel, research support and other
allowable expenses.
E Eugene N. and Niesje M. Parker Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A510401
Description: Recipient(s) shall be undergraduate students studying in the Department
of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Natural Science. Recipients(s) will demonstrate
financial need and attain minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
E Wu-Ki Tung Endowed Professorship in Particle Physics
Gift code: A51041
Description: The holder of the endowed professorship must be a tenured faculty member
in the field of particle physics. If no suitable candidate exists among faculty and
MSU, the endowed professorship may be used to recruit new qualified faculty.
X Department of Physics Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Gift code: A51042
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X Thomas A. Kaplan Award
Gift code: A51043
Description: This award is given to the graduate students who have been judged to
have presented the best Condensed Matter Physics lunch-time seminar talks during the
most recent academic year.
X Hybrid Quantum Systems Research Fund
Gift code: A51045
Description: Research / Expendable.
E Galonsky International Travel Award
Gift code: A51046
Description: Study Abroad / Endowment. These funds will be used to support graduate
students or post-docs having an international research experience.
E Marc S. Conlin Abrams Planetarium Enhancement Fund
Gift code: A51047
Description: Expenditures will support Abrams Planetarium at the discretion of its
X Department of Physics and Astronomy Support for Teaching
Gift code: A51048
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X Marc Conlin Expendable in Physics & Astronomy
Gift code: A51049
Description: Unrestricted / Expendable.
E James T. and Ruth E. Linnemann Endowment in Honor of Trevor Weekes
Gift code: A51050
Description: Graduate students pursuing a major offered by the Department of Physics
and Astronomy will be eligible for this award. Preference will be given to students
studying one of the following areas in order of priority: i. particle astrophysics
ii. high energy physics iii. astronomy 1v. other related subject matters. If total
gifts reach required funding levels, this endowment may be used to support an endowed
professorship or endowed chair.
F Woodford Family Fellowship in Nuclear Physics
Gift code: A51051
Description: Graduate students studying nuclear physics will be eligible for this
award. Expendable Amounts may be used for but not limited to tuition, stipends, travel/research
X MSU Observatory Greatest Needs Fund
Gift code: A51052
Description: Unrestricted / Expendable.
E James L. and Alice M. Snelgrove Endowed Doctoral Studies Enrichment Fund in Physics
Gift code: A51053
Description: Doctoral students pursuing an advanced degree offered by the Department
of Physics and Astronomy will be eligible for this award with preference being given
to students studying experimental nuclear physics. This award will be made available
to fund doctoral students' participation in activities beyond their normal academic
program requirements that will, in the department chair's judgment, enrich and enhance
their education, including, but not limited to, travel to academic meetings and conferences,
research experiences, and collaborations.
E Cowen Distinguished Chair in Experiential Physics
Gift code: A51054
Description: The Chair will be awarded to tenure track faculty for retention of faculty.
The occupant of the Cowen Distinguished Chair in Experimental Physics will be retained
for his/her demonstrated excellence in experimental physics research.
Gift code: A511
Description: Department discretionary fund.
E Thomas Adams Memorial Scholarship
Gift code: A5110
Description: Candidates for the scholarship will be junior/senior status majoring in the Department of Physiology at the time of receiving the award with demonstrated financial need. Selection shall be based on demonstrated academic promise not soley based on GPA but more on intellectual curiosity.
X Andrechek Lab Fund
Gift code: A5115
Description: Research / Expendable.
X Physiology Diabetes Research Fund
Gift code: A5116
Description: Research / Expendable.
X Department of Physiology Reflection Room
Gift code: A5117
Description: Capital Projects / Facilities.
E E. A. Bessey Memorial Fund
Gift code: A504010
Description: This fund supports graduate students in Plant Biology.
E Dr. Leo W. Mericle and Dr. Rae Phelps Mericle Memorial Scholarship
Gift code: A50402
Description: Recipients of this award indicate promise of making a professional contribution
to the study of genetics of higher plants. Demonstration of financial need shall be
considered, however, it should not be the primary consideration. Special consideration
will be given to those studying the effects of ionizing radiation on the genetics
of higher plants. Recipients must be studying genetics of higher plants and be enrolled
in one of these departments: Crop & Soil Science, Forestry, Horticulture, Plant Pathology
or Plant Biology.
E Botany and Plant Pathology Academic Enrichment Endowment Fund
Gift code: A50403
Description: This fund is for graduate recipients and visiting scholars to provide
the costs associated with research which can only be conducted elsewhere. Funds may
also be used to support travel to conferences, symposia, and professional meetings
which offer unusual educational opportunities.
X Plant Biology Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Gift code: A50404
Description: Undergrad/Expendable.
E Norman A. Good Endowed Student Award
Gift code: A50405
Description: Eligible recipients shall be undergraduate or graduate students in the
Department of Plant Biology. Awards may include scholarships and fellowships, summer
Plant Biology, research support, funds to support a student's travel to a professional
meeting, to bring to campus preeminent scientists in the field who will substantially
enrich our student's educational experience, to bring a piece of scientific equipment
for promising student research projects.
E Michigan State University Herbarium Endowment
Gift code: A50412
Description: Awarded to a MSU undergraduate or graduate student, or a student at another
institution that is planning to study at the MSU Herbarium, and their research must
include a component that is based on herbarium specimens.
E John H. Beaman Memorial Herbarium Fund
Gift code: A504130
Description: Expenditures from the Endowment will be used to support the MSU Herbarium.
The endowment will support collection management salaries and supplies, curatorial
expenses, collecting expeditions, specimen digitization or other high priority needs.
Expenditures are at the discretion of the Director of the Herbarium as authorized
by the Chair of the Department of Plant Biology as administrator of the MSU Herbarium.
E James E. Rodman Botany Scholarship Endowment
Gift code: A50415
Description: The scholarship is to be awarded to an undergraduate major or graduate
student selected on the basis of academic achievement, and enrolled in a program of
study or research in the plant sciences, broadly construed to include mycology, with
a preference for, but not restricted to, the field of Systematics.
X Plant Biology Graduate Summer Fellowship
Gift code: A504160
Description: Graduate students enrolled in the Department of Plant Biology who are
in good academic standing and participants of the Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
program studying and/or conducting research in the areas of plant systematics, ecology
or evolutionary biology will be considered for this award. Students will be selected
on the basis of academic achievement. Financial need may be considered.
X Future Teaching Demonstration Greenhouse
Gift code: A50417
Description: Capital projects/facilities expendable.
X Danny Schnell Plant Biology Post-Doc Fund
Gift code: A50418
Description: Supports post-docs in the Department of Plant Biology.
X Conservatory & Teaching Greenhouse
Gift code: A50419
Description: Funds will be used to continue support for the conservatory and teaching
greenhouse, including all relevant maintenance, supplies, and renovations, until plans
are enacted for the relocation of both facilities.
Gift code: A513
Description: Department discretionary fund.
Gift code: A5130
Description: Expendable Amounts will be used to make awards to offset costs associated with conference attendance or other opportunities that allow the recipient(s) to present their work, network, and collaborate with other leaders in the field of statistics and probability as well as to support competitive recruitment and retention efforts with preference given to students who have attended a college located in regions less represented in STEM fields . Preference for awards to be given to those graduate students who are specializing in the field of probability theory and who demonstrate academic excellence through completed coursework, research, and/or teaching experience. Additional preference will be given to graduate students who have indicated a desire to pursue a career in higher education. Expendable Amounts may not be used for tuition, or research assistantships.
X Department of Statistics and Probability Katz Library
Gift code: A51300
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
E Van Ryzin-Susarla Endowed Fellowship
Gift code: A51302
Description: This funds a graduate fellowship in the Department of Statistics and
E John Kinney Memorial Fund
Gift code: A51303
Description: The John Kinney Memorial Lectureship is to be held in the Department
of Statistics and Probability every third year and consist of a lecture from a prominent
individual in the fields of mathematics or statistics.
E Professor Vaclav Fabian Fellowship
Gift code: A51304
Description: Candidates eligible for this fellowship will be citizens of the Czech
Republic who will pursue their graduate studies in one of the following disciplines:
statistics and probability, mathematics or econometrics.
E James Hannan Visiting Scholar Endowment in Theoretical Statistics and Probability
Gift code: A51305
Description: The Visiting Scholar will be selected on the basis of research record
in theoretical statistics and/or probability theory, a plan for the proposed research,
and the significance of the research. Visitors will be in residence for at least a
full semester.
E Professor Pesi Masani Award in Probability Endowment
Gift code: A51306
Description: This fund provides prize award support for graduate students with top performance
on the Probability Preliminary Exam. If such exam is not available, preference shall
be given to graduate students with the strongest academic performance in probability
courses as measured by course or exam grades or scores.
E Norbert Wiener Endowed Fund
Gift code: A5131
Description: This endowed fund will support lecturers, scholarships and prizes at
the discretion of the Statistics and Probability Department Chairperson.
E James and Alicia Stapleton Endowed Fellowship Fund in Statistics and Probability
Gift code: A5132
Description: Recipients should be graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Probability.
F James and Alicia Stapleton Endowed Professorship Fund
Gift code: A51320
Description: The Department of Statistics and Probability in the College of Natural
Science, or its future successor MSU unit, if any, will identify candidates for the
James and Alicia Stapleton Endowed Professorship according to its practices and procedures
for the selection of such faculty in effect at the time of the selection. The Dean
of the College of Natural Science, subject to the approval of the Office of the Provost,
will select the individual to be named.
E Dr. William L. Harkness Endowment for Statistics and Probability
Gift code: A5133
Description: The fund shall be awarded for outstanding teaching by a graduate student
in Statistics & Probability. Also, an award approximately every three years will be
made to an instructor or full-time faculty member provided such a candidate is deemed
meritorious or a grant or award to a graduate student, instructor, or faculty member
for partial or full support of the development of innovative instructional materials
or new modified course redesigns.
E Dr. William L. Harkness Fellowship in Statistics and Probability
Gift code: A51330
Description: Fellowship support for graduate students in good standing who are enrolled
in the Statistics and Probability department.
X Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior Program Fund
Gift code: A56
Description: Department discretionary fund.
E Donald P. and Shelly Garcia Jones Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program Endowment
Gift code: A560
Description: Expendable Amounts will be used to support research, projects and analyses
of wildlife data in support of conservation planning and activities. Preference will
be given to research and outreach projects that focus on avian population and community
E Dr. Don Hall Endowed Scholarship in EEBB
Gift code: A561
Description: The scholarship is for a graduate student with at least one year of experience
or enrollment in the EEBB program. It can be used for research or travel to a meeting.
X Donald Jones and Shelly Garcia Jones Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program Expendable
Gift code: A562
Description: Expendable Amounts will be used to assist in projects and analyses of
wildlife data in support of conservation planning and activities. Preference will
be given to research and outreach projects that focus on avian population and community
X Genetics Program
Gift code: A530
Description: Department discretionary fund.
X BioMolecular Science Graduate Fund
Gift code: A5301
Description: Other/Expendable.
E Barb Sears Genetics Graduate Program Student Activity Fund
Gift code: A5302
Description: To support student activities in the Genetics Graduate Program at the
discretion of the Program Director.
E H. Wilson Cunningham and Jane A. Carstairs KBS Research Equipment and Instrumentation
Gift code: A51811
Description: Expendable Amounts are intended to supplement the costs associated with
maintaining the basic research equipment and instrumentation within the W.K. Kellogg
Biological Station that would otherwise require use of grant money. Funds may be used
for but not limited to the repair, maintenance, upgrading of existing equipment and
instrumentation, or acquisition of new items that will allow scientists to complete
and/or enhance their research. Preference should be given to equipment/items shared
by multiple research applications. Funds shall not be used for building/facilities
X Friends of the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary
Gift code: A5183
Description: Other / Expendable.
E Joe Johnson Endowment for Wildlife Conservation Fellowships
Gift code: A51831
Description: This fellowship shall be awarded to students enrolled in programs or
doing research and who want to study and work with wildlife conservation, species
or habitat preservation and/or restoration of the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station,
with first preference given to MSU students working at the Bird Sanctuary.
E Kellogg Biological Station Conservation Legacy Fund
Gift code: A51832
Description: The endowment will be used for Kellogg Biological Station purposes at
the discretion of its Director. These purposes include, but are not limited to: programming
at KBS; upkeep and enhancement of facilities including the grounds and Kellogg Manor
House; and Student scholarships, fellowships and stipends.
E Patricia A. Werner Scholarship for Ecological Field Studies
Gift code: A51833
Description: Recipients must be enrolled in either scheduled field courses or individual
study or research units requiring field work during the semester that the Scholarship
is received.
E Sharin E. & Thomas C. Noall and Charles & Thelma E. Noall Scholarship in Biological
and Environmental Science at Kellogg Biological Station
Gift code: A51834
Description: Recipients should be juniors with financial need and pursuing studies
in the area of environmental or biological sciences.
E KBS Graduate Student Research Fellowship
Gift code: A51835
Description: This Fellowship will support graduate students performing research with
preference given to those doing aquatic or bird research.
X Richard A. Brunt Family Scholarship at the W. K. Kellogg Biological Station
Gift code: A51836
Description: Recipients shall be undergraduate students conducting research and or
enrolled in courses at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station.
E James Larson W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Endowment for Graduate Research in Climate
Change and Environmental Sciences
Gift code: A51837
Description: Support for graduate student research that contributes to the sustainability
and enhancement of natural and managed ecosystems that are critical for life on earth.
Recipients should be graduate students at MSU conducting research at KBS related to
alternative energy, climate change, basic or applied ecology, or related emerging
fields. Expendable Amounts could be also be used to provide stipend support for graduate
students, research supplies or analysis, equipment, travel, or other items (including
student labor) needed to carry out selected research projects.
F David Grant Dvorak, M.D. and Karol J. Peterson KBS Bird Sanctuary Enrichment Fund
Gift code: A51838
Description: Provides support for the W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Bird Sanctuary.
At the discretion of the director of KBS, funds may be used for, but are not limited
to, student support, staffing, programming, equipment, supplies, and facility needs.
X Natural Science KBS Bird Sanctuary Building Fund
Gift code: A51839
Description: Facilities / Expendable.
E KBS Dessert with Discussion Fund
Gift code: A51840
Description: Expendable amounts will be used to support the KBS Dessert with Discussion
X Doug and Maria Bayer W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Research Experience Award
Gift code: A51842
Description: Registered MSU undergraudate students and non-MSU undergraudate students
eligible to participate in a multi-week full-time research opportunity during the
summer may apply. Funds may be used to cover all costs, to the extent possible, associated
with a student's attendance, including, but not limited to stipends, room and board,
research expenses, and transportation.
E Dazil Soil Sciences Endowment
Gift code: A51843
Description: Expendable Amounts will be used to support soil ecology research at the
discretion of the Director of the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station.
E T. Wayne and Kathryn Porter Graduate Fellowship Endowment Fund
Gift code: A5185
Description: Recipients must be in good academic standing and have an interest in
conducting classical field study. Preference shall be given to candidates studying
the natural history of invertebrates.
E Kellogg Biological Station ROKS (Residential Opportunities at Kellogg Station) Scholarship
Gift code: A5187
Description: Students will have achieved sophomore status or have taken the necessary
prerequisites for the courses.
X Kellogg Manor House and Estate
Gift code: A5188
Description: Other / Expendable.
E KBS Aquatic Ecology Fellowship Endowment
Gift code: A51880
Description: Funds will provide fellowship support for graduate students conducting
research in aquatic ecology at KBS. Preference will be given to graduate students
affiliated with the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior (EEBB) Program.
E George H. Lauff Scholarship
Gift code: A50016
Description: Recipients must be enrolled in a Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) program
or pursuing dissertation research at KBS.
X Neuroscience Program Fund
Gift code: A54
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
F Cheryl Sisk and Doug Gage Neuroscience Graduate Scholarship
Gift code: A541
Description: The recipient should be a doctoral candidate (post-comprehensive exam) and engaged
in neuroscience research. Funds could be used to support stipend, tuition and fees,
travel to professional meetings, or other activities related to research training.
Preference should be given to students working on problems related to behavioral neuroscience
and/or human mental health and employing mammalian model systems.
F Dr. Richard Hahin Neuroscience Faculty Fellowship
Gift code: A542
Description: This fellowship is to be used to support a faculty member (tenure track or tenured)
engaged in neuroscience-related research.
X Neuroscience Program Outreach Fund
Gift code: A543
Description: Programmatic/Expendable.
X Neuroscience Awards
Gift code: A5118
Description: Undergraduate scholarships.
E Jan Zeevaart MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory Lectureship Endowment
Gift code: A5120
Description: This endowment supports visiting lecturers by internationally known scientists
for the purpose of enhancing the scholarly environment of the PRL on a triennial schedule,
either in conjunction with or independent of the Plant Research Laboratory retreat.
E Hans Kende Memorial Award in Plant Science
Gift code: A5122
Description: The recipient shall have been recently granted a Ph.D. and will have
written a thesis with a focus on some aspect of Plant Science. Candidates may have
studied in the following departments, although this list is not inclusive: Plant Biology,
Plant Pathology, Horticulture, Forestry, Biochemistry, Genetics, Crop and Soil Science,
and Cell and Molecular Biology.
E Keegstra and Thomashow Travel Award
Gift code: A5124
Description: The Travel Award is intended to offset Plant Research Laboratory Students'
travel costs. Recipients must be Plant Research Laboratory students.
X Global Coral Bleaching Project Fund
Gift code: A5125
Description: Programmatic / Expendable.
X Jonathan Dodgson Walton Fungal Biology Enhancement Fund
Gift code: A51250
Description: Programmatic / Expendable. This fund was established in memory of Jonathan
Walton by his friends to support research in fungal biology. Use of these funds includes,
but is not limited to, support for special lectures on fungal biology as part of the
Molecular Plant Science Seminar series and travel support for Molecular Plant Science
students working on fungal biology to attend scientific meetings.
X Plant Research
Gift code: AG13
Description: Research / Expendable.
E Anton Lang Memorial Fund
Gift code: A00007
Description: Research excellence is the primary criterion. Other scholarly activities
may also be considered. Postdoctoral and graduate student awardees will be selected
on the basis of research carried out while at the Pesticide Research Lab.
X Program in Mathematics Education
Gift code: A5195
Description: Department discretionary fund.
X RISE--Residential Initiative on the Study of Environment
Gift code: A5170
Description: RISE discretionary fund.
E Soichiro Kurachi Enrichment Fund for the Residential Initiative for the Study of the
Environment (RISE) Program
Gift code: A5171
Description: Expenditures from the Endowment will be used to support the RISE program
at the discretion of its Director.
F Thomas and Tammy Phelps Scholarship for RISE
Gift code: A5172
Description: Students with a 3.0 GPA or above on a 4.0 scale will be eligible for
this award.
E Farha Family 'Go Green' Scholarship in the Residential Initiative for the Study of
the Environment
Gift code: A5173
Description: Sophomores, juniors, and seniors participating in the RISE program will
be eligible for this award. Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial
need. Preference will also be given to students who have earned a minimum 3.0 GPA
on a 4.0 scale.
X Farha Family 'Go Green' Student Travel Fund
Gift code: A5174
Description: Funds may be used to support travel costs for students participating
in RISE to attend a professional development conference.
F Michael J. Mirto and Paul E. Hayes Endowment for RISE
Gift code: A5175
Description: Expenditures will be used to support the RISE Program at the discretion
of its Director.