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Back of ACRES t-shirt text Where Research Grows
August 30, 2024
NSF renews funding for unique computational summer REU at Michigan State
Fan Wang, S. Shawn Wei and Yurong Zhang (left to right) stand on the deck of U.S. Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson holding a green flag with a white Spartan helmet that says “Michigan State.” White clouds spread across a blue sky and sea in the background
August 30, 2024
Songqiao "Shawn" Wei of shares his story of helping lead a research cruise studying seismology at the bottom of the South Pacific
Red Backed Salamander
August 28, 2024
Michigan State University researchers contributed to a recent amphibian-focused study that shed light on the ecological importance of red-backed salamanders.
An illustration of the complex, diversly structured and multilayered organization of Aspergillus fungal cell wall. The inset shows the antifungal drug caspofungin inhibiting the biosynthesis of β-1,3-glucan.
August 7, 2024
Researchers have found how fungi rebuild, reinforce their cell walls after exposure to antifungals, opening opportunities to improve current therapies
Selvan Demir poses for a photo while working with her arms inside a glovebox.
August 6, 2024
Combining chemistry and art, Selvan Demir has earned new support for her team’s ‘exceptionally creative’ research
Four round MRSA cells are shown in purple in a colorized electron micrograph.
July 25, 2024
Research reveals conditions that accelerate the spread of infectious bacteria
A large green poplar leaf speckled with water droplets
July 8, 2024
Spartan researchers have developed a way to get poplar trees to produce valuable molecules usually derived from shark livers
A schematic representing a microscopy measurement where a pulse of laser light (red curve) illuminates an atomically sharp tip (top) positioned above the sample surface. The graphene nanoribbon sits on top of a gold substrate. Experimental data is shown in blue, revealing the distribution of electrons above the nanoribbon.
July 8, 2024
A new technique reveals single atom misfits and could help design better semiconductors used in modern and future electronics
A colorful molecular model. Green and purple ribbons depicting the heterodimeric cisprenyltransferase complex floating above gray, red and blue dots depicting a cell membrane.
July 1, 2024
The nearly $1.8 million award will support work in drug discovery through molecular dynamics research in plants
An atomic nucleus is shown with blue neutrons and red protons clustered in its core. There is one proton,, however, that orbits that central cluster, creating what's called a proton halo.
June 17, 2024
The first results from FRIB’s precision measurement program measure the mass of a rare isotope
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, known as Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A*, appears as a bright spot against the backdrop of space in this telescope image, shrouded by X-ray light, which appears as clouds of red and blue. Credit: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Wisconsin/Y. Bai, et al.
June 11, 2024
Spartans have uncovered new information about the galaxy’s central black hole, Sagittarius A*
A red squirrel
March 28, 2024
Spartan researchers show deep biogeographic divides drive divergent evolutionary paths
A 3D rendering of the enzyme bile salt hydrolase. Four looping, ribbon-like clusters of proteins are displayed against a black backdrop. The intertwining structures are purple, teal, orange and a muted yellow.
February 26, 2024
Thanks to a bit of serendipity and a cooperative spirit, MSU researchers helped uncover a previously unknown way that the microbes living in our gut help our overall health.
Michigan State University researchers Jiming Jiang (left) and David Douches (right) stand in a greenhouse between many potato plants.
February 21, 2024
MSU research "has the potential to affect every single bag of potato chips around the world.”
Green phytoplankton coils in blue water, magnified by a microscope.
February 16, 2024
A new model bridges the rules of life at the individual scale and the ecosystem level, which could open new avenues of exploration in ecology, global change biology, and ultimately ecosystem management
A looping GIF. On the left, a top-down view of green moss growing in a round habitat, eventually filling the entirety of the space
February 10, 2024
Michigan State University researchers have shed new light on the ancient relationship between moss and fungi in a recent paper published in The Plant Journal.
Wide shot of boxy, gray mass spec instruments lining the wall of the newly renovated facility space. Thin tubing and reagent bottles rest on top of the instruments, while green nitrogen piping descends from the ceiling. A computer monitor, desk, and chair sit to the right of the instruments. In the foreground, out-of-focus plastic tubing frames the space.
January 10, 2024
The facility fully overhauled 3,400 square feet of laboratory to improve day-to-day operations and better enable world-changing life science research at MSU.

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